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Non-blocking visualization on VoxelGrid fails to update visualization
The issue I'm trying to convert realsense point cloud to voxel and visualize it in real time.
I followed this example to visualize realsense point cloud in real time. But instead of passing point cloud object to the visualizer, I passed a VoxelGrid object. The first VoxelGrid is displayed in the visualization window, but it is not getting updated at all. The same thing occurs when I passed a point cloud processed using voxel_down_sample()
. Could it be that this is a bug of Visualizer class?
To reproduce Here is part of my code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Realsense initialization
pipeline = rs.pipeline()
config = rs.config()
config.enable_stream(, 1280, 720, rs.format.z16, 15)
config.enable_stream(, 1280, 720, rs.format.rgb8, 15)
# Start streaming
profile = pipeline.start(config)
depth_sensor = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
depth_sensor.set_option(rs.option.visual_preset, Preset.Default)
depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()
# We will not display the background of objects more than
# clipping_distance_in_meters meters away
clipping_distance_in_meters = 3 # 3 meter
clipping_distance = clipping_distance_in_meters / depth_scale
# Create an align object
align_to =
align = rs.align(align_to)
vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
vis.get_render_option().background_color = np.array([0, 0, 0])
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
flip_transform = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
# Streaming loop
frame_count = 0
while True:
dt0 =
# Get frameset of color and depth
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
# Get aligned frames
aligned_frames = align.process(frames)
aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame()
color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame()
intrinsic =
# Validate that both frames are valid
if not aligned_depth_frame or not color_frame:
depth_image = o3d.geometry.Image(
color_temp = np.asarray(color_frame.get_data())
color_image = o3d.geometry.Image(color_temp)
rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(
depth_scale=1.0 / depth_scale,
temp = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_rgbd_image(
rgbd_image, intrinsic)
pcd.points = temp.points
pcd.colors = temp.colors
#downpcd = pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=0.05)
voxel_grid = o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid.create_from_point_cloud(
pcd, voxel_size=0.05)
if frame_count == 0:
process_time = - dt0
print("FPS: " + str(1 / process_time.total_seconds()))
frame_count += 1
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Python: 3.6.8
- Open3D: 0.8.0, 0.10.0
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Same issue find in c++. I'm trying to draw occupancy grid map in real time, but only a blank window. Here is my test code
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
using namespace open3d;
visualization::Visualizer vis;
vis.CreateVisualizerWindow("Open3D", 500, 500);
auto occ_geometry = std::make_shared<geometry::VoxelGrid>();
Eigen::Vector3d origin(0.0,0.0,0.0);
occ_geometry->origin_ = origin;
occ_geometry->voxel_size_ = 0.05;
for (int widx = 0; widx < 20; widx++) {
for (int hidx = 0; hidx < 20; hidx++) {
Eigen::Vector3i grid_index(widx, hidx, 0);
Eigen::Vector3d color(widx*4, hidx*4, 128);
occ_geometry->AddVoxel(geometry::Voxel(grid_index, color));
return 0;
@yxlao can you have a look at this please.
Hello. I have the same problem with VoxelGrid. Please check this issue.
Hello, has anyone been able to fix the problem. Visualizing point cloud is ok, but for voxelgrid it still doesn't work.
Hi, i've just encountered the same problem, any chance a solution was found?
my point cloud works, but then when I run the following I get a blank screen:
voxel_grid = o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid.create_from_point_cloud(pcd, voxel_size=0.5) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([voxel_grid])
I tried with different sizes set to the voxel_size., My grid contains 4600 voxels, but still blank screen. I'm running open3d on visual studio 2019, windows 10. Thanks a lot.
member variables of the visualizer class:
open3d::visualization::Visualizer gridViz_;
std::shared_ptr<open3d::geometry::VoxelGrid> voxelGrid_;
initializing the visualizer:
gridViz_.CreateVisualizerWindow("Grid", 960, 540, 480, 270);
gridViz_.GetRenderOption().background_color_ = {0.05, 0.05, 0.05};
gridViz_.GetRenderOption().point_size_ = 1;
gridViz_.GetRenderOption().show_coordinate_frame_ = true;
// Add voxel grid
voxelGrid_ = std::make_shared<open3d::geometry::VoxelGrid>();
Eigen::Vector3d origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
voxelGrid_->origin_ = origin;
voxelGrid_->voxel_size_ = 0.5;
for (int widx = 0; widx < 20; widx++)
for (int hidx = 0; hidx < 20; hidx++)
Eigen::Vector3i grid_index(widx, hidx, 0);
Eigen::Vector3d color((double)widx / (double)20, (double)hidx / (double)20, 1.0);
voxelGrid_->AddVoxel(open3d::geometry::Voxel(grid_index, color));
Update the visualizer in your main loop:
member variables of the visualizer class:
open3d::visualization::Visualizer gridViz_; std::shared_ptr<open3d::geometry::VoxelGrid> voxelGrid_;
initializing the visualizer:
gridViz_.CreateVisualizerWindow("Grid", 960, 540, 480, 270); gridViz_.GetRenderOption().background_color_ = {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}; gridViz_.GetRenderOption().point_size_ = 1; gridViz_.GetRenderOption().show_coordinate_frame_ = true; // Add voxel grid voxelGrid_ = std::make_shared<open3d::geometry::VoxelGrid>(); Eigen::Vector3d origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); voxelGrid_->origin_ = origin; voxelGrid_->voxel_size_ = 0.5; for (int widx = 0; widx < 20; widx++) { for (int hidx = 0; hidx < 20; hidx++) { Eigen::Vector3i grid_index(widx, hidx, 0); Eigen::Vector3d color((double)widx / (double)20, (double)hidx / (double)20, 1.0); voxelGrid_->AddVoxel(open3d::geometry::Voxel(grid_index, color)); } } gridViz_.AddGeometry(voxelGrid_);
Update the visualizer in your main loop:
gridViz_.UpdateGeometry(voxelGrid_); gridViz_.PollEvents(); gridViz_.UpdateRender();
nice, this works. But it still not works if you create a voxelgrid from a pointcloud. Somebody has a solution to it? In Python it works, but not in C++.
i can't get this to work in python. i can't see how to update from updated pointcloud
i got it to work by creating a new grid each time and then swapping it vis.remove_geometry(vxgrid,False) vxgrid=vxgrid_new vis.add_geometry(vxgrid,False) vis.poll_events() vis.update_renderer()
The issue I'm trying to convert realsense point cloud to voxel and visualize it in real time.
I followed this example to visualize realsense point cloud in real time. But instead of passing point cloud object to the visualizer, I passed a VoxelGrid object. The first VoxelGrid is displayed in the visualization window, but it is not getting updated at all. The same thing occurs when I passed a point cloud processed using
. Could it be that this is a bug of Visualizer class?To reproduce Here is part of my code:
if __name__ == "__main__": # Realsense initialization pipeline = rs.pipeline() config = rs.config() config.enable_stream(, 1280, 720, rs.format.z16, 15) config.enable_stream(, 1280, 720, rs.format.rgb8, 15) # Start streaming profile = pipeline.start(config) depth_sensor = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor() depth_sensor.set_option(rs.option.visual_preset, Preset.Default) depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale() # We will not display the background of objects more than # clipping_distance_in_meters meters away clipping_distance_in_meters = 3 # 3 meter clipping_distance = clipping_distance_in_meters / depth_scale # Create an align object align_to = align = rs.align(align_to) vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer() vis.create_window() vis.get_render_option().background_color = np.array([0, 0, 0]) pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() flip_transform = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] # Streaming loop frame_count = 0 try: while True: dt0 = # Get frameset of color and depth frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() # Get aligned frames aligned_frames = align.process(frames) aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame() color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame() intrinsic = get_intrinsic_matrix(color_frame)) # Validate that both frames are valid if not aligned_depth_frame or not color_frame: continue depth_image = o3d.geometry.Image( np.array(aligned_depth_frame.get_data())) color_temp = np.asarray(color_frame.get_data()) color_image = o3d.geometry.Image(color_temp) rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth( color_image, depth_image, depth_scale=1.0 / depth_scale, depth_trunc=clipping_distance_in_meters, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False) temp = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_rgbd_image( rgbd_image, intrinsic) temp.transform(flip_transform) pcd.points = temp.points pcd.colors = temp.colors #downpcd = pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=0.05) voxel_grid = o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid.create_from_point_cloud( pcd, voxel_size=0.05) print(voxel_grid) if frame_count == 0: #vis.add_geometry(downpcd) #vis.add_geometry(pcd) vis.add_geometry(voxel_grid) #vis.update_geometry(downpcd) #vis.update_geometry(pcd) vis.update_geometry(voxel_grid) vis.poll_events() vis.update_renderer() process_time = - dt0 print("FPS: " + str(1 / process_time.total_seconds())) frame_count += 1 finally: pipeline.stop() vis.destroy_window()
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
- Python: 3.6.8
- Open3D: 0.8.0, 0.10.0
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I solved this problem by directly creating a Voxel_grid instead of adding a point cloud in a bland: Work: voxel_grid = o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid.create_from_point_cloud(pcd, voxel_size=self.voxel_size) axes = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=0.1) Failed: voxel_grid = o3d.geometry.VoxelGrid() voxel_grid.create_from_point_cloud(pcd, voxel_size=self.voxel_size) axes = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=0.1) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([voxel_grid, axes]) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([voxel_grid, axes])