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JSONX is an Erlang library for efficient decode and encode JSON, written in C.
JSONX is an Erlang library for efficient JSON decoding and encoding, implemented in Erlang NIFs. Works with binaries as strings, arrays as lists and only knows how to decode UTF-8 (and ASCII).
Check out a benchmark si14/erl_json_test or
davisp/erljson_bench and
record encoding tests in /test/bench_encode_records.erl
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JSONX can encode and decode Erlang records!
-record(person, {name, age, friends}).
-record(person2, {name, age, phone}).
encoder1() ->
jsonx:encoder([{person, record_info(fields, person)},
{person2, record_info(fields, person2)} ]).
decoder1() ->
jsonx:decoder([{person, record_info(fields, person)},
{person2, record_info(fields, person2)}]).
nonstrict_decoder1() ->
jsonx:decoder([{person, record_info(fields, person)},
{person2, record_info(fields, person2)}],
[{format, proplist}]).
1> c(records_examples).
2> rr(record_examples).
3> BabaYaga = #person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>, age = 118, phone = <<"666-66-66">>}.
#person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>,age = 118,
phone = <<"666-66-66">>}
4> Vasya = #person{name = <<"Vasya">>, age = 18, friends = [BabaYaga]}.
#person{name = <<"Vasya">>,age = 18,
friends = [#person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>,age = 118,
phone = <<"666-66-66">>}]}
5> Encoder = record_examples:encoder1().
6> Decoder = record_examples:decoder1().
7> Json = Encoder(BabaYaga).
<<"{\"name\": \"BabaYaga\",\"age\": 118,\"phone\": \"666-66-66\"}">>
8> Decoder(Json).
#person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>,age = 118,
phone = <<"666-66-66">>}
9> Json2 = Encoder(Vasya).
<<"{\"name\": \"Vasya\",\"age\": 18,\"friends\": [{\"name\": \"BabaYaga\",\"age\": 118,\"phone\": \"666-66-66\"}]}">>
10> Decoder(Json2).
#person{name = <<"Vasya">>,age = 18,
friends = [#person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>,age = 118,
phone = <<"666-66-66">>}]}
11> Json3 = <<"[{\"name\": \"BabaYaga\",\"age\": 118,\"phone\": \"666-66-66\"}, {\"record\": \"undefined\", \"strict\": false}]">>.
<<"[{\"name\": \"BabaYaga\",\"age\": 118,\"phone\": \"666-66-66\"}, {\"record\": \"undefined\", \"strict\": false}]">>
12> Decoder(Json3).
13> NonStrictDecoder = record_examples:nonstrict_decoder1().
14> JTerm = NonStrictDecoder(Json3).
[#person2{name = <<"BabaYaga">>,age = 118,
phone = <<"666-66-66">>},
15> Encoder(JTerm).
<<"[{\"name\": \"BabaYaga\",\"age\": 118,\"phone\": \"666-66-66\"},{\"record\":\"undefined\",\"strict\":false}]">>
Examples encoding JSON
1> jsonx:encode([1, 2.3, true, false, null, atom, <<"string">>, []]).
%% Object as proplist
2> jsonx:encode( [{name, <<"Ivan">>}, {age, 33}, {phones, [3332211, 4443322]}] ).
%% Object as struct
3> jsonx:encode( {struct, [{name, <<"Ivan">>}, {age, 33}, {phones, [3332211, 4443322]}]} ).
%% Object as eep18 propsal
4> jsonx:encode( {[{name, <<"Ivan">>}, {age, 33}, {phones, [3332211, 4443322]}]} ).
Examples decoding JSON
1> jsonx:decode(<<"{\"name\":\"Ivan\",\"age\":33,\"phones\":[3332211,4443322]}">>).
2> jsonx:decode(<<"{\"name\":\"Ivan\",\"age\":33,\"phones\":[3332211,4443322]}">>, [{format, eep18}]).
3> jsonx:decode(<<"{\"name\":\"Ivan\",\"age\":33,\"phones\":[3332211,4443322]}">>, [{format, proplist}]).
4> jsonx:decode(<<"{\"name\":\"Ivan\",\"age\":33,\"phones\":[3332211,4443322]}">>, [{format, struct}]).
Example streaming parse
More example see examples/stream_example.erl
1> D = jstream:new_decoder(<<"{\"key1\": \"val1\",\n">>).
2> jstream:get_event(D).
3> jstream:get_event(D).
4> jstream:get_event(D).
5> jstream:get_event(D).
6> ok = jstream:update_decoder(D, <<"\"key2\": \"val2\"}\n">>).
7> jstream:get_event(D).
8> jstream:get_event(D).
9> jstream:get_event(D).
10> jstream:get_event(D).
Mapping (JSON -> Erlang)
null :-> null
true :-> true
false :-> false
"string" :-> <<"binary">>
[1, 2.3, []] :-> [1, 2.3, []]
{"this": "json"} :-> {[{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}]} %% default eep18
{"this": "json"} :-> [{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}] %% optional proplist
{"this": "json"} :-> {struct, [{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}]} %% optional struct
JSONObject :-> #rec{...} %% decoder must be predefined
Mapping (Erlang -> JSON)
null :-> null
true :-> true
false :-> false
atom :-> "atom"
<<"str">> :-> "str"
[1, 2.99] :-> [1, 2.99]
{struct, [{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}]} :-> {"this": "json"}
[{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}] :-> {"this": "json"}
{[{<<"this">>: <<"json">>}]} :-> {"this": "json"}
{json, IOList} :-> `iolist_to_binary(IOList)` %% include with no validation
#rec{...} :-> JSONObject %% encoder must be predefined