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We tried to download the CASIA-CMFD, CoMoFoD-CMFD, and USCISI-CMFD dataset from the GitHub repo. However, the Google Drive link is broken because of no access grant. Could you please provide...
We tried to download the CASIA-CMFD, CoMoFoD-CMFD, and USCISI-CMFD dataset from the GitHub repo. However, the Google Drive link is broken because of no access grant. Could you please provide...
here is the baiduNetdisk link for the full dataset: https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_41840241/article/details/113788215
Hello, thank you for providing the code, can you upload the training code, thank you very much!
Hey! I tried to run the code exactly how you did! I followed the steps and installed every library I have now ended up with this type cast error: `INFO:...
The file "[USCISI-CMFD-Small](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WrmeVRTf9T0umSW6I267zBrsmCjCEIQ/view?usp=sharing)" provided through Google Drive is corrupted. Can you please re-upload and provide corrected source.
I am not able to load the small dataset with 100 samples. Can you please re-upload this dataset?
Hello, Can you provide the pretrained similarity detection branch file only?