Chuu copied to clipboard bot for discord
Chuu is a Discord bot that integrates with Discord. Highly customizable at the user and server level. It also has some unique integrations with There are a ton of available commands like:
- Your top of albums that were released in a given year
- Image charts of both albums and artists
- Play and scrobble music directly from Discord using Youtube,Bandcamp,Soundcloud,Twitch...
- Artist, albums and songs leaderboards (crowns)
- Unique artists within a server
- Genre information about your artist/albums
- 200+ more commands!
- Full support for slash commands
Invite Link
You can invite the bot to your discord server using this link:
There is also a support server if you want to ask any questions directly. Join here:
You can also build the bot and install it on your own. In order to do that you need:
Java 19+
MariaDB 10.5+
Postgresql 14+
- client_ID
- client_Secret
- LASTFM_APISECRET (If you want to enable scrobbling)
- LASTFM_BOT_SESSION_KEY (If you want to log what the bot scrobbles to a account)
- WALLPAPER_FOLDER (Directory with images to source backgrounds)
- CACHE_FOLDER (Where to cache images)
- IPV6_BLOCK (A ipv6 block used to avoid getting ip banned by YT)
- MODERATION_CHANNEL_ID (A discord channel where the bot will dump some info)
- MODERATION_CHANNEL_2_ID (Another discord channel where the bot will dump some info)
Then you should set all those properties in the file
In MariaDB you should first create a database within MariaDB, and then inside that database run first the following SQL script, and then all the sql scripts under migrations sequentially
Finally adjust the with the corresponding properties.
For Postgres first check the Musicbrainz section. Once that is done you should run the following SQL script and adjust the with the corresponding properties.
If you are interested in posting info of the bot to a given botlist, fill the file The keys are specified in
Musicbrainz Database
For Postgresql I would recommend you to use mbdata to set up the musicbrainz database. Then adjust the with the corresponding properties. WARNING: It's like a 30GB database, so take note. It's recommended to set normal and lowercase indexes on artist and album names to optimize some queries. Also, the pg_trgm extension should be enabled.
You have two options if you don't want to set up the whole musicbrainz instance:
- Use a mock musicbrainz instance as explained in here
- Modify the MusicBrainzServiceProvider with the dummy instance that does nothing. Uncommenting line 14 and commenting line 13.
Both this options will result on a lot of commands misbehaving and these options are not fully supported and a lot of errors can be produced because of that so please be aware of that!.
After all that is installed you can run the task shadowjar of gradle and then you can execute, with executable
the name of the jar that is on build/libs
java -jar executable.jar
and the bot should begin running.
Currently not working
If you were to do testing you should also fill the equivalent of the test module and also fill the with a new Discord bot token that will be used for testing, the ID of the Discord server where the testing will take place and the ID of a user present in that server.