Isaac Sheff
Isaac Sheff
## Description We should establish some way to test how "good" (throughput? latency?) Typhon is (relative to Tendermint). This means creating some kind of benchmark now that can at least...
Building on our languages for [bounded-latency communication between chains that share quorums]( and [atomic communication within Heterogeneous Paxos chains](, implement a higher-level notion of "moving state" from one chain to...
Arguably, we can break down Typhon into layers, which include: - [Transaction dissemination from Clients to Storage]( (probably on validators, who may also be orderers) (This Issue) - [Mempool Organization](,...
This issue may well be combined with our existing ledger projects. Ultimately, our Heterogeneous Paxos implementation will need to send messages (1b, 2a, etc). - How do we format these?...
Pipelineing, at least as used in HottStuff, is the art of using a single message as part of multiple instances of consensus, to save on message space. With the naive...
This entails several sub-problems, including: - [Gossip Layer for Heterogeneous Paxos Transactions]( - [Message passing for Heterogeneous Paxos]( - [Modify Heterogeneous Paxos for Learner Graph Changes]( Ultimately, we'll want an...
As presently designed, Heterogeneous Paxos needs time-outs before proposals are re-sent (to ensure liveness). This is equivalent to time-outs for choosing new leaders in Tendermint. How do we want to...
As written, [Heterogeneous Paxos]( assumes a learner graph that does not change over time. Technically, of course, we can encode all learners from all points in time in one big...
When our [nodes can run multiple chains](, and we have a spec of [Heterogeneous Paxos]( [modified for blockchains](, we want the ability to "spin-up" new [Heterogeneous Paxos]( quickly an easily....
When our nodes can [simultaneously run main chains]( and [Heterogeneous Paxos Chains]( between them, we want to communicate between chains easily, and with bounded latency (as measured in blocks). Since...