nvim-deardiary copied to clipboard
Journaling plugin for NeoVim
deardiary is a plugin that makes journaling in neovim easy and convenient.
- Manage multiple journals
- Set different frequencies of entries per journal (ex. daily, weekly)
- Custom frequencies of journal entries (ex. can add quarterly frequencies)
- Control filesystem paths of new entries
- Templating of new entires
- neovim 0.5+
- Currently requires latest neovim nightly since 0.5 isn't released yet
deardiary can be installed just like any other neovim plugin.
Plug 'ishchow/nvim-deardiary'
use 'ishchow/nvim-deardiary'
Add the following to a file under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/lua
local config = require("deardiary.config")
config.journals = {
path = "~/journals/personal",
frequencies = {"daily", "weekly"},
path = "~/journals/work",
frequencies = {"daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly"},
Then, in your init.vim file, add this to use your configuration:
lua require("diary")
Basic Usage
Run the following command to set the active journal from config.journals
or <Leader>js
A menu will open up like this:
1 ~/journals/personal
2 ~/journals/work
Type in journal index and press <Enter> (empty cancels):
Enter a number to pick the desired journal.
Then, open todays entry using:
or <Leader>jdc
Today's entry will be opened in a new buffer and filled with the contents from a template.
# Saturday, December 26, 2020
Save the file and the contents of this buffer will be saved to:
Set current journal based on cwd
If the current working directory has a common path prefix with any of the configured journals, you can automatically using this command:
or <Leader>jsc
To automatically set the current journal based on the current working directory upon entering vim, add the following to your init.vim:
augroup deardiary
autocmd VimEnter * lua require("deardiary").set_current_journal_cwd()
augroup end
Commands and Mappings
The following commands and mappings are provided by the plugin. The mappings simply execute the commands and are provided for convenience.
:DearDiarySelectJournal | <Plug>(DearDiarySelectJournal) | <Leader>js
Selects current journal
:DearDiarySetCurrentJournalCwd | <Plug>(DearDiarySetCurrentJournalCwd) | <Leader>jsc
Sets the current journal based on the current working directory
:DearDiaryToday | <Plug>(DearDiaryToday) | <Leader>jdc
Go to entry for today
:DearDiaryTomorrow | <Plug>(DearDiaryTomorrow) | <Leader>jdn
Go to entry for tomorrow
:DearDiaryYesterday | <Plug>(DearDiaryYesterday) | <Leader>jdp
Go to entry for yesterday
:DearDiaryThisWeek | <Plug>(DearDiaryThisWeek) | <Leader>jwc
Go to entry for this week
:DearDiaryNextWeek | <Plug>(DearDiaryNextWeek) | <Leader>jwn
Go to entry for next week
:DearDiaryLastWeek | <Plug>(DearDiaryLastWeek) | <Leader>jwp
Go to entry for last week
:DearDiaryThisMonth | <Plug>(DearDiaryThisMonth) | <Leader>jmc
Go to entry for this month
:DearDiaryNextMonth | <Plug>(DearDiaryNextMonth) | <Leader>jmn
Go to entry for next month
:DearDiaryLastMonth | <Plug>(DearDiaryLastMonth) | <Leader>jmp
Go to entry for last month
:DearDiaryThisYear | <Plug>(DearDiaryThisYear) | <Leader>jyc
Go to entry for this year
:DearDiaryNextYear | <Plug>(DearDiaryNextYear) | <Leader>jyn
Go to entry for next year
:DearDiaryLastYear | <Plug>(DearDiaryLastYear) | <Leader>jyp
Go to entry for last year
Default mappings can be overriden if a mapping to the mapping name already exists in your init.vim file.
For example:
nmap <silent> <Leader>ds <Plug>(DearDiarySelectJournal)
To completely disable all default mappings, add the following line to your init.vim.
let g:deardiary_use_default_mappings = 0
Open the help file for complete documentation. Help file contains examples of advanced configuration such as custom frequencies and templating.
Repo structure
├── doc # NeoVim built-in help files
├── lua # Plugin lua modules
│ └── deardiary # Lua module containing plugin
│ └── lib # Lua module containing vendored, external libraries
├── mock # Lua modules containng mocks for unit test
│ └── mock # Mock lua module
├── plugin # Vimscript runtime files, provides glue code for mappings and commands
└── spec # Unit tests
Testing plugin locally
nvim --cmd "set rtp+=$(pwd)" README.md
Unit testing
Setup hererocks
Setup an isolated lua environment using hererocks. This is done so that your system lua isn't polluted with rocks used to test this plugin.
pip3 install hererocks # use sudo if this doesn't work
hererocks -j 2.1.0-beta3 -r latest env
source env/bin/activate
Run tests
Installs test dependencies if not already installed and runs unit tests.
luarocks test
After test dependencies are installed, the above command can be used to re-run tests or you can run tests directly using busted.
Deactivate hererocks
Deactivate the lua environment.