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Is R still working in iSH?
Hello. I haven't used iSH for a while and returned to using it and had a lot of run-time errors, and thus deleted the iSH app and re-installed it. I then next installed back R, with R-dev and R-doc but R doesn't seem to be working. The Alpine R packages seemed to install fine, but when I go to run R it gives me the introductory screen (OpenBLAS warning) and then just "hangs" (i.e. never gives me R cursor ">").
Does the latest R (4.0 or 4.1 from Alpine) still run on iSH?
Thanks for looking into this. :-)
Same problem.
Now it's working fine on iPhone
No change for me. 3.11 works, newer version won’t start.
@dugamarian What did you change?
@dugamarian, what configuration are you running that you got it working on your iPhone?
I re-installed a fresh installation of iSH App Store, updated the repositories, and reinstalled R and R-dev.
I’m an iPad Pro (new generation) running Alpine 3.14 and trying to use R 4.1.0. and still can’t get it running.
just had a fresh install of the latest version of ish from AppStore and installed R, R-dev and R-doc. That's it. It's working with R version is 4.1.0
There is a fair amount of difference between the current App store version of iSH and the latest TestFlight version. It might help clarify this issue if everyone mentioned which of the two they are using.
I'm using the AppStore version
iPhone (13, Max), AppStore Version, reinstalled (R, dev and doc) and tested. No change, R won’t start.
Did you try to delete ish completely and install it again? For me, because I didn't use the app for a long time, it was deleted by iOS for saving space. When I reinstalled it, I installed R, and it worked. I'm on iPhone XR.
just an issue...piloting doesn't seem to work. I don't known what additional software I have to install to make it work. And also, installing packages takes a lot of time and sometimes needs additional libraries.
Thanks, @dugamarian, for clarifying. Strange, I did the same thing you did and doesn’t work. Perhaps enough difference between iSH on M1 iPads (mine) and iPhone (non-M1) or specifically iOS and iPadOS?
Maybe one of the developers can clarify this. But although it's great to have R as a standalone app, additional apps like radian, RStudio don't work on ish. In my opinion, it's better to run R on servers like, which is free to use, and you access to jupyter notebooks, RStudio and vscode. I can help with the setup if someone wishes.
Thanks, @dugamarian. I’ve been trying to advocate for R to be standalone app for many reasons (including reasons such as preferring not to have data on outside servers, capability to use iOS native displays, etc). R analyst iOS worked pretty good and was fast (not that far off from my new iMac with extended memory) but now outdated. I currently also use sideloaded UTM to run R which works very well but doesn’t compare to the speed of native R or iSH running R in terms of boot up time to R starting.
I can confirm that I have the same issue here (iPad pro M1, Alpine 3.14).
Hi! This appears to be resolved in iSH 1.3, which we've recently released, however my testing might be quite limited (though I did land on the >
and noticed a promising comment on Reddit), so please give it a try and reach out & file new issues if you run into any further problems with R! Thanks!
@Mnpn It works! Thanks!
Maybe I was overly excited. It turns on and runs fine, but then hangs when I try to quit it. Nothing seems to be happening, even after several minutes. Oh well.
Uh oh, that's not good! I can't seem to reproduce this at all, how are you quitting it? q()
, quit()
, and ctrl-D all appear to work on my end, no matter if I opt to save or not:
Perhaps I'm missing something?
I use q()
, then select n
. It just hangs for minutes. I had to stop ish to do something else. I'll try again later.
Hi, @Mnpn and @sjmgarnier. Seems to be working and quitting okay for me, but I've only done limited testing so far since iSH 1.3. Attached picture of R running on iPAD via ish with VNC server and VNC viewer app on iPad and iSH in the background. Randomly, I have had R give errors when iSH in the background (lower memory ceiling?)
It seems like working, but after testing, some functions are not working correctly and give me “illegal operation” error. For example, basic function like t.test or summary are forcing R to quit. Although it’s good for basic plots and calculations, it’s not something to work with.
@Mnpn It seems like the issue with R hanging while trying to quit occurs after I try installing packages during a session. If I don't try to install a package during the session, then it seems to quit just fine. This happens whether the package installation is successful or not.
I can also confirm @dugamarian's report. t.test and summary crash R.
For installing packages, I recommend following this tutorial: Installing large packages such as tidyverse directly on the device may take a long time and heat up the phone/tablet.
@sjmgarnier, @dugamarian,
I also confirm that t.test summary crashes iSH on iPad M1, iPad OS 16.4.1
Hi again, thanks all for taking the time to try things out! I can reproduce the illegal operation error with that t.test
- it appears to be the missing instruction fyl2xp1
. As for package installation, I can reproduce the hang too.
Hi, I have managed to install radian on iSH. For those who don’t know, radian is an application that provides auto completion and beautiful colors for code. here are the steps (although I’m not sure if all programs have to be installed):
apk add --update --no-cache blas blas-dev build-base ca-certificates clang clang-dev cmake eigen eigen-dev freetype freetype-dev lapack lapack-dev libjpeg-turbo libjpeg-turbo-dev libpng libpng-dev libwebp libwebp-dev linux-headers openblas openblas-dev openexr openexr-dev pkgconf python3 python3-dev tiff tiff-dev tini
pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip setuptools
ln -fs /usr/include/libpng16 /usr/include/libpng ln -fs /usr/include/locale.h /usr/include/xlocale.h
pip install radian
to open the app, just type radian
I think that this setup must be corrected by someone who has more experience, but the essential is that is working.
@dugamarian i hat to add apk add py-pip
but radian works now for me (slow startup). Thanks!
I apologize, but I am still confused by your last post. I copied your suggestion and installed radian and still get the errors already discussed above (e.g. with t.test example). Were you just meaning to state that radian could be installed in iSH but not that R would necessarily run any better with radian?
Hi, radian just runs over R. Since R on iSH throws an error for t.test, radian will also do, this is just an interface for R that looks better, nothing more.
Thanks for clarifying, @dugamarian. :-)