Ian Armstrong
Ian Armstrong
Shit, I closed the wrong issue... meant to do that in one of my own repos.
@jl2035 On line 111, update your repo to: ``` (is('windows nt 6.3')?' win8.1' :is('windows nt 6.2')?' win8' ``` Should give you the matching set.
Actually, you'll want all of this: ``` (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+(/trident\/7\.0/.test(ua) ? '11' : RegExp.$1)) :is (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+(/trident\/6\.0/.test(ua) ? '10' : RegExp.$1)) :is (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+(/trident\/5\.0/.test(ua) ? '9' : RegExp.$1)) :is (!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua))&&/msie\s(\d+)/.test(ua))?('ie ie'+(/trident\/4\.0/.test(ua)...
In a Modernizr era, people are obviously encouraged to use feature detection. I can see how that would make the repo seem irrelevant. I updated it because my client has...
Whoops, I thought that was the OP. Neevermind. Feel free to merge the rest of my changes. https://github.com/isarmstrong/css_browser_selector
Yeah I added support for all missing IE versions, Win 8.1, and a new index.html that tests the user's browser + lists classes applied. It should really be merged in...
If someone shocks me and replies to the merge request after almost 5 years, I'll change the author info back to something more standard on the info headers.
The problem is the script sees Android & Chrome as separate entities. I suspect if you move the Chrome entry up to around line 46, after Firefox, it'll supersede Android....
Seems to work. Using Nexus 7 emulation I get: ``` class="webkit chrome chrome29 mobile linux js orientation_landscape maxw_768" ```
Win 8.1 is a significant enough point release that I prefer to give it a new line. Good post though. We should really create a maintained fork of this project...