register copied to clipboard
feat(eax.json): Redirect to new site.
Redirect to my new website. Thank you so much for this cool service.
To make our job easier, please spend time to review your application before submitting.
Add a x between [] if you meet that requirement example [x]
- [x] You're not using Vercel or Netlify.
- [x] You have completed your website, there's no type of placeholder at the website. This requirement can be raised if the domain you're registering is for emails
- Link to website:
- [x] The website is reachable.
- [x] The CNAME record doesn't contain any slash.
- [x] There's enough information at the
field.- You should have your email presented. If you don't want to share email, you can leave email an empty string (
) and add any other social such as Discord/Twitter/etc.
- You should have your email presented. If you don't want to share email, you can leave email an empty string (
Feel free to join our discord server for more updates or any help related to the service :D -
Your PR has been created! Please now wait for a maintainer to approve it.
Made a mistake in the record?
Don't worry, you can edit the changes in your repo and they should automatically be added to this PR.
Love/Hate the service?
Love it? Leave it a star! Also consider donating so that I can keep this service running forever!
Hate it? Please leave your feedback by creating an issue. I would really like to keep improving this service for other users.
Wanna support this project?
Help me in my mission to keep this service alive forever by donating!
The changes have been published!! It should reflect in less than 24 hours.
Here's what you need to do next
If your domain points to a server you own, add
to your server config. For https, you will have to configure ssl certificate to allow the new subdomain.
For github pages users,
- Go to your github page repo (
) - Open up the settings tab
- Scroll down to the Github pages section
- In the Custom domain text input, enter the domain you registered (
) - Check the Enforce HTTPS checkbox below the input
- Give it some time to reflect and you should be good to go
Need help with your domain?
If you are having trouble setting up your domain, create an issue. I will try my best to get back to you asap!
Made a mistake in the record?
Don't worry, you can create a new pull request with the corrections
Love/Hate the service?
Love it? Leave it a star! Also consider donating so that I can keep this service running forever!
Hate it? Please leave your feedback by creating an issue. I would really like to keep improving this service for other users.
Wanna support this project?
Help me in my mission to keep this service alive forever by donating!