Han van Venrooij
Han van Venrooij
To be honest I haven't tested with a multimodule project. @mslinn could you perhaps provide a repo with a minimal example? I'll have a look at it once I get...
Also, just to be sure, which version of sbt-sassify are you using?
Great thanks! I think that it might be caused because you're importing css files rather than scss files. I'll have a look whether this compiles with sassc/ruby sass
I'll have a look at it this evening. Thanks for the example
I wanted to give an update on this issue. I've checked out the project from the git repo, but SBT seems to stall when running `sbt assets` (both on Windows...
I’m pretty sure that the dart sass library can be compiled to a native library as well. I will have a look at it.
I'll try to see what the impact would be of migrating from libsass to a version of dart-sass compiled to libsass. Unfortunately, that would require having node on the target...
@bpossolo @danellis, I've been making good progress with running a natively compiled version of dart-sass. Would you be able to help me test whether this solution works for you as...
@rwsargent, @Lasering, @danellis, @bpossolo, I've refactored sbt-sassify to include a version of dart-sass. Could you verify if this works with your setup. To test the integration with dart-sass, take the...
Do you have a minimal example? Also, I might have forgotten to instruct you to use the dart compiler. >.< Can you set the `SassKeys.useDartSass := true`?