helpmecode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
helpmecode copied to clipboard

Augmented Intelligence Programming


<jk: A context aware coding AI. >

helpmecode ai assistant live demo in Apache Groovy


This began as a joke. I tried some VS Code "AI" plugin and saw that it was essentially an autocomplete ranked by popularity. I quipped to a friend that I could probably knock out something better in under an hour. And this was the result. Give it a programming problem and it fetches an answer from stackoverflow and types the code for you in to your editor.

helpmecode programming ai assistant python-groovy-c#-sql-java

50 loc in 30 minutes (originaly), that interfaced with howdoi (which interfaces with Google... that indexes stackexchange, which houses the information created by many humans, that lived in the house that Jack built. Phew!) But it turned out to have far more utility than I had expected. It really was very useful for learning new programming languages, or knocking out a script in a language I'd never used before. It was greater than the sum of its parts. I would liken it to the electric car: Google is the lithium/ion chemistry, howdoi is the battery, and helpmecode is the Tesla (well, I did say it was joke ;).








  1. python3

  2. If you have not done so already, install v1.1~ of

  3. If python is on a different machine, edit helpmecode.ahk to include its IP address

  4. Open helpmecode.ahk

  • Query history and error messages are sent to python terminal.

  • If you share the python server between clients, you may benefit slightly from the shared cache.