d3.chart.tooltips icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
d3.chart.tooltips copied to clipboard

A d3.chart based tooltip mixin


d3.chart.tooltip is a mixin-intended chart that allows you to add tooltips to an exiting chart by using them both in a parent chart constructor as mixins. See sample use below or the example in the example folder.

This tooltip implementation borrows heavily from this block: http://bl.ocks.org/biovisualize/2973775

Sample Use

For example, given the CircleChart defined here, we can create a tooltiped version like so:

d3.chart("HoverableCircles", {
  initialize: function() {

    // create containers for the circles and tooltip
    // note that the tooltip is appended to the body.
    var circleBase = this.base.append("g")
      .classed("circles-mixin", true);
    var tooltipBase = d3.select("body");

    this.circles = this.mixin("CircleChart", circleBase);
    this.tooltips = this.mixin("TooltipMixinChart", tooltipBase, {
      layer : this.circles,
      type : "circle"

    return this;

// create an instance of the chart on a d3 selection
var chart = d3.select("#vis")
  .attr("height", 60)
  .attr("width", 600)

chart.tooltips.text(function(d) {
  return "<b>" + d + "</b>";

// render it with some data


Sample API Documentation:



Instructs the tooltip chart what function to use to render the tooltip. It expects the datum and index paramaters.


  • fn - The function to call in order to render the tooltip contents.



var chart = d3.select("#vis")
  .attr("height", 60)
  .attr("width", 600)

chart.tooltips.text(function(d) {
  return "<b>" + d + "</b>";


There are no events currently broadcast by this chart.