Stephen M Moraco
Stephen M Moraco
Hmmm... I need a bit more information. How did you navigate to this page?
Hmm, interesting... I'll put this on my list.
I'm using the coloring on my RPi farm to keep me aware of what's working as intended or not. But I certainly could make this user configurable as you suggest....
Hmm pondering... But I certainly will make the order the same in the next update!
Ordering update committed. Appears in v1.2.6 and later.
Currently, the ring detail is gathered outside of Home Assistant by the daemon sending the sensor data via MQTT ( It might be easier to create a copy of this...
I'm working on a theory of operation document for the sensor script. That should provide everything you need. I'll post here when the new document is posted to the repo....
re model i'm looking for: Here's the latest document in the repo - a theory of operation which shows the payloads and accumulation logic/reasoning behind them. See
Glad it can help. Please let me know as you get this working... I'd love to hear.
Thanks for letting me know. Gimme a day or two to switch projects and look into this. More soon!