Duncan DeVore
Duncan DeVore
@hmatinho sorry about that. It's available now - https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/ironfish/akka-persistence-mongo_2.11/
+100 for merging
Thanks you!
Just ran into this exact problem. After I killed the running java process, everything is now working.
Mine was for nvim metals instead of VSCode, but under the covers they both are using the same idea with bloop.
Yeah, no joy. Isn't going to work until an M1 version of GraalVM is released.
Any updates on this?
any update on this?
Seems to be working for me as well.
Hi, @RaVbaker - unfortunately I don't have a lot of time work on this currently. I'll try and update sometime in the near future.