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Sample application used in the High-Performance ASP.NET Core Workshop

High Performance ASP.NET Core Workshop

This repository contains a sample Web API application used in the High-Performance ASP.NET Core Workshop.

The Web API represents a simplified implementation of a "Getting Things Done (GTD)" system. To learn more about GTD, read the Erlend Hamberg's excellent article GTD in 15 minutes – A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Things Done.

The API supports the following:

  • Creating, editing and deleting of Actions, Lists and Projects.
  • Moving an Action to a List.
  • Assigning an Action to a Project.

The application does not provide a UI. To smoke test the API you can use any REST client. The smoke tests folder contains a set of basic smoke tests given in a plain text format, or as files that can be imported into Insomnia or Postman.



To the extent possible under law, Dobriša Adamec and Igor Rončević have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

In case of (re)use, providing a link to this GitHub repository would be highly appreciated.