node-generator-chrome-ninja icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-generator-chrome-ninja copied to clipboard

Yeoman Chrome extension generator

Results 8 node-generator-chrome-ninja issues
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Currently, when trying to add a devtools panel there is a problem with the build process not compiling all the files

The manifest.js task (specifically manifest:dev) has a watch task to recompile the manifest whenever it is modified. However, because the manifest is imported at the top of the file, the... > A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. All URLs and imports are in module request...

livereload helps a lot in situations where we develop react components, but in other scenarios it gets in the way, causing duplication of elements or event listeners. lets consider making...

When chrome destroys/reloads a page and extension code (like a content script) is loaded again, it'll load the initial version, without the changes that have been made since. Reproduce: -...

> ‘blacklist’, ‘whitelist’, ‘optional’, ‘nonStandard’, and ‘modules’ options have all been removed > A ReferenceError occurs ``` [BABEL] /Users/nekova/hack/drip-search/gulpfile.babel.js: Unknown option: /Users/nekova/hack/drip-search/.babelrc.blacklist ```

on hold

- [x] Replace usages of `var` with either `const` or `let`, in both generator and generated code - [ ] Maybe use ES6 modules. I'm on the fence about this,...

Seeing as chrome supports some of ES6, and that doesn't need to be transpiled to ES5. Question is, which Chrome version (and thus set of ES6 features) should we target?
