iron_mq_php icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
iron_mq_php copied to clipboard

Wrong tagged version 4.0.2

Open brunoroux opened this issue 8 years ago • 4 comments

So I just updated to version 4.0.2 but the IronMQ class is actually 3.0.3 (the non namespaced version). Please tag a 4.0.3 with the right classes

brunoroux avatar Nov 19 '15 11:11 brunoroux

I have the same problem. I reported to support but no reply. I had to lock the version to 4.0.1 for the extension I am building.

br0sk avatar Nov 19 '15 12:11 br0sk

Thanks guys. We will look into this asap.

carimura avatar Nov 20 '15 14:11 carimura

At this moment 4.0.2 is removed, 4.0.1 is the latest. will tag 4.0.3 later

thousandsofthem avatar Nov 20 '15 16:11 thousandsofthem

Actually 3.x.x and 4.x.x versions use v3 API

alex-litvak avatar Nov 20 '15 23:11 alex-litvak