Baozheng Liu
Baozheng Liu
@FantasqueX It seems good, but I find that the figure generated is not beautiful as well as opencollective. Besides, it is too large.
No, it is because of the plugin(opencollective) we use. It does not work well.
@arttnba3 非常感谢PR,可以把此部分的内容 PR 到 [ctf-tools]( 里么?Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ
是的(但是可以拆开说鸭,比如编译内核一部分,搭建内核环境一部分,如何提取 gadgets 一部分等
I find the outline is not suitable, may be it can be changed like i.e., - introduce the technique - describe how to use the technique to solve a...
可以说一下详细的环境么?以及这个问题可以去参考下 mkdocs 的使用方式,这个问题应该不是由于这个项目里的文件导致的。
不好意思,最近事情繁忙,未能及时处理。可以直接提个 PR 么?说明一下这种新的情况,同时保留旧的情况。
hi, when I write this wp, it works on ubuntu 16.04. Your environment is ?
oh, just leave it here, when I review the code, I will deal with issue.
但我确实没时间看。。 @WinMin