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PyTorch implementation of "Dynamic Structure Pruning for Compressing CNNs" (AAAI 2023 Oral)
Dynamic Structure Pruning
Dynamic Structure Pruning for Compressing CNNs [AAAI 2023]
Jun-Hyung Park, Yeachan Kim, Junho Kim, Joon-Young Choi, and SangKeun Lee
Generate compact and efficient CNNs based on grouping and pruning that transform single-branch convolutional layers into multi-branch convolutional layers [AAAI] [arXiv]
Dynamic Structure Pruning automatically learns intra-channel sparsity by optimizing filter groups and regularizing group channels. This allows for higher efficiency from fine-grained pruing granularities, while producing generally accelerable (i.e., regular) structures.
- Python 3.7
- PyTorch 1.10.0
- TorchVision 0.11.0
- tqdm
How to use DSP in your code
You should first train pre-trained models to learn groups and then prune and finetune the group-learned models.
Our group-learning and pruning modules require three steps.
- Defining a wrapper
- Initializing
- Processing after every update (step)
Following sections show code examples using our modules.
Differentiable Group Learning
from dsp_module import *
# After defining your model, optimizer, criterion, etc.
group_trainer = GroupWrapper(model, optimizer, criterion, regularization_power, total_num_iterations, num_groups, temperature)
# Training iteration
for epoch in range(args.epochs):
for x, y in train_dataloader:
# Before forward (model(x))
out = model(x)
# After model update (optimizer.step())
group_trainer.after_step(x, y)
Group Channel Pruning
from dsp_module import *
# Before loading group-learned checkpoints
pruner = PruneWrapper(model, num_groups, fp_every_nth_conv)
# fp_every_nth_conv means it prunes filters of every nth convolution layers.
# In our paper, we prune filters of the final layer in each residual block.
# In CIFAR-10, fp_every_nth_conv = 2, and in ImageNet, fp_every_nth_conv = 2 (ResNet18) or 3 (ResNet50)
# If your models have irregular numbers of layers in each residual block,
# you can specify the indices of layers by setting fp_layer_indices=[1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, ...]
# If you set both fp_every_nth_conv and fp_layer_indices, the latter is prioritized.
# Before training starts
flops, params = pruner.initialize(pruning_rate)
# Training iteration
for epoch in range(args.epochs):
for x, y in train_dataloader:
# After model update (optimizer.step())
Please refer to our CIFAR-10 pruning codes (cifar_dsp.py and cifar_finetune.py) to help your understanding of our modules.
Pruning on CIFAR-10
# pretrain ResNet20
python cifar_pretrain.py -l 20 [--save-dir ./cifarmodel] [--epochs 164] [--batch-size 128] [--lr 0.1] [--momentum 0.9] [--wd 1e-4]
# pretrain ResNet56
python cifar_pretrain.py -l 56 [--save-dir ./cifarmodel] [--epochs 164] [--batch-size 128] [--lr 0.1] [--momentum 0.9] [--wd 1e-4]
Differentiable Group Learning
# ResNet20 with group 4, lambda=2e-3
python cifar_dsp.py -l 20 -g 4 -r 2e-3
# ResNet20 with group 2, lambda=2e-3
python cifar_dsp.py -l 20 -g 2 -r 2e-3
# ResNet56 with group 4, lambda=5e-4
python cifar_dsp.py -l 56 -g 4 -r 5e-4
Group Channel Pruning
# ResNet20 with group 4, pruning rate=0.5
python cifar_finetune.py -l 20 -g 4 -p 0.5
# ResNet56 with group 4, pruning rate=0.5
python cifar_finetune.py -l 56 -g 4 -p 0.5
Packing Pruned Models
python pack_model.py --ckpt [pruned_model_path] --save [save_path]
We upload checkpoints that show the median accuracy of five runs
ResNet20 (g=4) | 92.22 | 63.57 | 50.45 | Link |
ResNet20 (g=3) | 92.14 | 62.43 | 49.15 | Link |
ResNet20 (g=2) | 92.07 | 61.23 | 48.35 | Link |
ResNet56 (g=4) | 94.25 | 65.11 | 56.30 | Link |
ResNet56 (g=3) | 94.07 | 64.14 | 55.01 | Link |
ResNet56 (g=2) | 93.99 | 63.26 | 56.24 | Link |
How to use checkpoints
import torch
cnn = torch.jit.load('[CKPT_PATH]')
# You can use TensorRT or torch.jit.optimize_for_inference to achieve further acceleration.
We slightly changed the implementation of regularization scaling to obtain better speedup.
As a result, pruned results may be different from those in the paper (usually more pruned FLOPS and fewer pruned parameters).
Pruning on ImageNet
Pruned Models
Model | Top-1 ACC | P.FLOPS | P.PARAMS | CKPT |
ResNet18 (g=2) | 69.55 67.95 65.81 |
60.08 70.05 80.00 |
45.70 57.25 69.92 |
Link Link Link |
ResNet50 (g=2) | 76.54 75.45 73.29 |
70.00 80.03 90.02 |
52.54 66.00 81.64 |
Link Link Link |
- [x] Implement model-agnostic pruner
- [ ] Release ImageNet models