swagger copied to clipboard
The module value in the go.mod is wrong
In the release: v12.2.0-alpha2 , the value in the go.mod is module github.com/iris-contrib/swagger
should it be module github.com/iris-contrib/swagger/v12
I can not download it in my project with go mod with error:
go: github.com/iris-contrib/swagger/[email protected]: go.mod has non-.../v12 module path "github.com/iris-contrib/swagger" (and .../v12/go.mod does not exist) at revision v12.2.0-alpha2
Same as me, Does any one know how to fix it?
I have the same issue
@wechasing @Vealcoo @MuhmdHsn313 please try it:
go get github.com/kataras/iris/v12@master
go get github.com/iris-contrib/swagger@master
go mod tidy -compat=1.19
It doesn't work. I want the latest version (v12.2.0 as of today). I get this packages in go mod instead:
- github.com/iris-contrib/swagger v0.0.0-20230820002204-56b041d3471a
- github.com/iris-contrib/swagger/v12 v12.2.0-alpha
- github.com/kataras/iris/v12 v12.2.5-0.20230817092616-b30cbdbcb308
- github.com/swaggo/swag v1.8.10