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WIP: Repository of markets
Hey guys, i'm working on bringing together a repository of different markets for use.
This should avoid us from having people keep requesting more markets to be added. Just fork and add to that repo and people can then have a selection.
DigitalPrice and binance have been added.
Tradesatoshi was submitted as a PR. Thanks for that, merged. Up to 16 markets now. Working on standardizing the test.js, readmes, and example json files. I'll then update to include the .pug for pug forks like mine.
@uaktags since we're both maintainers now can we merge in missing ones from this repo?
I want to fix database.js' reliance on having to manually do a select...case for the market. Makes adding a market a PITA. Should only require to download the files and be good.
Exchange markets are no longer hardcoded thanks to @uaktags - https://github.com/iquidus/explorer/commit/2be23e2f8f0e446943518303efef95ca964c59a9
I tried integrating binance with Iquidus 1.7.4 although even renaming binance.jade to binance.pug I couldn't get it to work.
@ianw1974 , please create an issue if you'd like support. This issue is for iquidus explorer announcing the goal of my repo. It's not an issue to track "issues" with individual markets. Also note that simply renaming won't help as bootstrap has also changed.