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Problems with PySide2 integration

Open akloster opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

There are two popular Python bindings for Qt 5: PyQt5 and PySide2. For various reasons, it is sometimes necessary to use PySide2. For example FreeCAD prefers PySide2.

So far I haven't been successful to integrate PySide2 inside a jupyter kernel. Even the simplest examples with "%gui qt5" fail, in various scenarios with Ubuntu system packages, conda environments and so on.

What is the situation with PySide2 currently? Is it possible at all?

akloster avatar Mar 26 '20 17:03 akloster

Particularly, with a new conda environment, Python 3.7, and only PySide2 installed:

    Could not load requested Qt binding. Please ensure that
    PyQt4 >= 4.7, PyQt5, PySide >= 1.0.3 or PySide2 is available,
    and only one is imported per session.

    Currently-imported Qt library:                              None
    PyQt4 available (requires QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg):            False
    PyQt5 available (requires QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtWidgets): False
    PySide >= 1.0.3 installed:                                  False
    PySide2 installed:                                          True
    Tried to load:                                              ['pyqt5']

So it knows PySide is installed, but chooses pyqt5 anyway...

akloster avatar Mar 26 '20 20:03 akloster

I encountered the same problem as you and found a workaround. To load and activate the PySide2 package instead of PyQt5, I run

import os
os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyside2'
%gui qt4

in my Jupyter notebook.

The trick is to run %gui qt4 instead of %gui qt5, unlike one would expect. Only then will the environment variable QT_API take effect. Take a look at the, in my eyes, bad implementation of the loop_qt5() function:


It overrides the QT_API environment variable before delegating all further work to loop_qt4(). So it makes sense to bypass loop_qt5 and invoke loop_qt4 directly.

stukowski avatar Oct 22 '21 16:10 stukowski

This seems to be a duplicate of issue #398.

stukowski avatar Oct 22 '21 16:10 stukowski

@akloster, could you submit a PR to fix the bug you found? Thanks!

ccordoba12 avatar Oct 22 '21 23:10 ccordoba12