steveOS copied to clipboard
The ultimate mac total transformation pack for Ubuntu GNOME.
What is this?
- A bundle of themes for Ubuntu GNOME carefully polished and edited to provide the best homage to steveOS
- The packs individually already provide 98% of the intended look, but we all know steveOS is all about that extra 2%
- That's when my OCD comes in: Here I provided everything needed for the look, the polish in interface, icons and the addition of the dynamic Mojave wallpaper, all ready to go
- As an extra a Firefox light on dark skin is included
- Several GNOME shell extensions are also highly recommended to tie the room together, man
- GTK theme:
- Icon theme:
- Cursor theme:
- Dynamic wallpaper:
- Synthesis & improvements:
- Download this repo and extract to your home directory
- Install fonts from the "steveOS (Fonts)" folder in your home directory
- Edit the XML in "steveOS (Backgrounds)" to point to the full path of your preferred BG folder
- Copy contents of "steveOS (Login)" to "/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/"
Applying Themes
- Open GNOME Tweaks
- Select "steveOS" light or dark as your GTK, Icon and Shell theme
- Select "steveO'Point" as your cursor theme
- Select "steveOS (Dynamic).xml" placed at your BG folder as the wallpaper
Recommended Font Setup
- Title: SF Pro Display Semibold 10px
- Interface: SF Pro Display Regular 10px
- Documents: SF Pro Text Regular 10px
- Mono: SF Mono Regular 10px
- Hinting: None
Recommended GNOME Shell Extensions
- Frippery Move Clock:
- Blyr: (check dependencies on github for the control panel)
- Night Light Slider:
- Window is Ready Notif. Remover:
Firefox User Chrome
- Bundled with the theme package is a light on dark skin for Firefox. Install it by copying the contents of "steveOS (Firefox)" to your user chrome folder