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Locate not properly using ExtraData
I am getting an exception on this line:
e.Client.ClientSession = _container.Locate<IClientSession>(new { clientSocket = e.Client });
I am registering my object:
_ = builder.Export<ClientSession>().As<IClientSession>();
And my constructor
public ClientSession(ClientSocket clientSocket, PacketBuffer packetBuffer, ClassFactory classFactory)
I am giving it the clientSocket object but its trying to construct it.
Here is the constructor of that. Notice the first parameter is TcpClient.
public ClientSocket(TcpClient client, ILogger logger, ActionBlock<DataReceivedEventArgs> actionBlock)
From the looks of the error, its attempting to construct the TcpClient for the ClientSocket even though I passed it in with my extra data.
2023-10-16 04:37:16.749 -04:00 [ERR] Error processing data from client
System.ArgumentException: An invalid IP address was specified. (Parameter 'address')
at System.Net.IPAddress..ctor(ReadOnlySpan`1 address)
at lambda_method1067(Closure, IExportLocatorScope, IDisposalScope, IInjectionContext)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.InjectionScope.InternalLocate(IExportLocatorScope scope, IDisposalScope disposalScope, Type type, ActivationStrategyFilter consider, Object key, IInjectionContext injectionContext, Boolean allowNull, Boolean isDynamic)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.InjectionScope.Grace.DependencyInjection.IInjectionScope.LocateFromChildScope(IExportLocatorScope childScope, IDisposalScope disposalScope, Type type, Object extraData, ActivationStrategyFilter consider, Object key, Boolean allowNull, Boolean isDynamic)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.ActivationStrategyDelegateCache.FallbackExecution(ImmutableHashTree`2 currentNode, Type type, IExportLocatorScope scope, Boolean allowNull, IInjectionContext context)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.ActivationStrategyDelegateCache.ExecuteActivationStrategyDelegateWithContext(Type type, IExportLocatorScope scope, Boolean allowNull, IInjectionContext context)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.InjectionScope.Locate(Type type, Object extraData, ActivationStrategyFilter consider, Object withKey, Boolean isDynamic)
at Grace.DependencyInjection.Impl.InjectionScope.Locate[T](Object extraData, ActivationStrategyFilter consider, Object withKey, Boolean isDynamic)
The exact spot if context is needed: The registration:
The constructor:
Where the exception is being thrown:
Looks like its not properly using my extra data as an override object, its opting to try and create the ClientSocket and part of the constructor for ClientSocket is a TCPClient and that needs a IPAddress.
Is there a way to not have grace try and construct this or is it a bug?