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Next Step Microgrant:
1. What is your project? (max 100 words) is a Link in Bio app built on IPFS. With a super fun UI, you can easily create your own webpage using IPFS! We are using Web3.Storage to serve users the webpages and Filecoin is used to backup webpages long term. We are implementing IPNS to make human-readable-links for our users and Auth0 to implement SSO.
- Login with an E-Mail using SSO (Simple-Sign-On) and produce a self sovereign, decentralized webpage within a few clicks.
- Once they launch the webpage, users are automatically given a gateway link that they can put in any bio/profile online.
- The webpage can be updated by going to the main links page, inputting new links, and exporting a new webpage.
- Openlinks can be used for e-commerce, community engagement, or just censorship-resistant fun!
- openlinks Github
2. How will IPFS, Filecoin, or related technology be used for this project? (max 100 words)
As mentioned in the description, Openlinks uses to ensure a simple UX. IPFS and Filecoin are both central components of why Openlinks works and why it makes sense. Firstly, users are getting the ability to display their digital self in a self-soverign way! In addition, the negative scaling benefit of IPFS is ideal for microsites hosting and is one of Openlink's main advantages!
3. How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective? (max 200 words)
- Homepage rework + other page additions
- IPNS integration & related research - Default IPNS link using w3name
- Exported webpage themes (light, dark, purple) & page preview when building webpage
- Frontend reads previews from /themes/previews lambda which fetches data from S3.
- Theme selection components on frontend (Most of the work on backend was done for this)
- Exported pages use selected themes from frontend.
- Terms and service
4. Is this project open source?
5. Do you agree to share grant reports upon request, including a final grant report at the end of the three month period?
6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?
7. Links and submissions
Additional questions:
Logan Lentz - Lead Developer/Project Manager
- Github
- Email -> [email protected]
Alex Mirran - Junior Dev/Project Manager
- Github
- Email -> [email protected]
How did you learn about our microgrant program?
- Filecoin Dev Advocate- Ally Haire @DeveloperAlly
As we were not sure the best route for the grant process, Ally suggested that we submit this microgrant along with an Opengrant for this project. This microgrant represents a small first part of our Openlinks roadmap. The Opengrant has the bulk of the upgrades we are implementing over the next coming months.