DeepFaceLab copied to clipboard
RTX 2060 Super - SAEHD training Memory Error even with Batch size 1
Tried lowering all kinds of resolutions and batch size to no avail. Currently at batch size 1 it's still giving me a memory error. I don't think this should happen on my GPU.
Windows 10.0.18363 Build 18363 AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Nvidia RTX 2060 Super
===================== Model Summary ======================
== ==
== Model name: new_SAEHD ==
== ==
== Current iteration: 0 ==
== ==
==------------------- Model Options --------------------==
== ==
== resolution: 64 ==
== face_type: wf ==
== models_opt_on_gpu: True ==
== archi: df ==
== ae_dims: 64 ==
== e_dims: 32 ==
== d_dims: 32 ==
== d_mask_dims: 22 ==
== masked_training: True ==
== eyes_mouth_prio: False ==
== uniform_yaw: True ==
== blur_out_mask: False ==
== adabelief: True ==
== lr_dropout: n ==
== random_warp: False ==
== random_hsv_power: 0.0 ==
== true_face_power: 0.0 ==
== face_style_power: 0.0 ==
== bg_style_power: 0.0 ==
== ct_mode: none ==
== clipgrad: True ==
== pretrain: True ==
== autobackup_hour: 1 ==
== write_preview_history: True ==
== target_iter: 0 ==
== random_src_flip: True ==
== random_dst_flip: True ==
== batch_size: 1 ==
== gan_power: 0.0 ==
== gan_patch_size: 16 ==
== gan_dims: 16 ==
== ==
==--------------------- Running On ---------------------==
== ==
== Device index: 0 ==
== Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER ==
== VRAM: 6.17GB ==
== ==
Starting. Press "Enter" to stop training and save model.
Trying to do the first iteration. If an error occurs, reduce the model parameters.
Windows 10 users IMPORTANT notice. You should set this setting in order to work correctly.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Everything Deepfake\DeepFaceLab\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\_internal\DeepFaceLab\mainscripts\", line 159, in trainerThread
File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Everything Deepfake\DeepFaceLab\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\_internal\DeepFaceLab\mainscripts\", line 68, in model_save
File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Everything Deepfake\DeepFaceLab\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\", line 393, in save
File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Everything Deepfake\DeepFaceLab\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\", line 759, in onSave
model.save_weights ( self.get_strpath_storage_for_file(filename) )
File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Everything Deepfake\DeepFaceLab\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\_internal\DeepFaceLab\core\leras\layers\", line 61, in save_weights
d_dumped = pickle.dumps (d, 4)
yeah, you could try without adabelief but this settings seems already pretty minimal. The last release seems to be broken, you could try to increase your pagefile size as it seems to fix the issue for some people. However, this should be fixed in the code as it is not normal to be required to allocate ten's of pagefile Go for a program that doesn't require that much RAM.
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usage
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usage
also, are you using DF arch intentionally ? ( most people use either DF-UD or Liae-UD variant )
the -D variant, enables to train higher res / dims with same hardware...
if you want try using DF-UD and see how that goes
yeah, you could try without adabelief
That actually did the trick, thanks. I can even train on "higher" batch sizes/resolutions now for whatever reason
so rtx 2080ti would work with this line edited ?
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usagealso, are you using DF arch intentionally ? ( most people use either DF-UD or Liae-UD variant )
the -D variant, enables to train higher res / dims with same hardware...
if you want try using DF-UD and see how that goes
This also helped me out, I was getting array and memory errors even when disabling high VRAM consuming settings. Thank you so much for sharing.
same problem here with a Quadro RTX 8000, seems changing cpu_count to 4 fix this error
This also solved the issue for me. I recommend trying it.
Changing the cpu_count also worked for me! Specs are an i5-12600k and a RTX 3070
This solved the issue for me too.
Xeon E5 2690v3 RTX 3060 12gb
Changed cpu_cont to 12 and worked fine!
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usage
Thank you! 👍 It works with 12! (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H + RTX 3070 Mobile)
It seems to be cpu_count = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8)
in the repository now, maybe the packaged version aren't up to date.
Maybe it could be time to close the issue!
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usage
i've signed up only to thank you. Thank you sir!
how can we reduce number of worker (CPU) for xseg? cpu_count = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 8) Xseg train loading samples and then nothing! It stucks. Anyone can kindly help me ?
Issue solved / already answered (or it seems like user error), please close it.
I solved my issue by reducing the number of worker for the data loading. On my version, I edited DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti_internal\DeepFaceLab\models\Model_SAEHD\ by just changing the line 669 to
cpu_count = 4 #multiprocessing.cpu_count()
I suppose that for a bugged reason, each cpu worker use way too much ram, so limiting their number mitigate the problem. The solution would probably be to fix, in order to limit its ressource usage
Thank you for this fix, worked like a charm! and damn CPUs age badly these days..