ionicons copied to clipboard
--ionicon-stroke-width not working
The --ionicon-stroke-width is beeing partial applied (only middle backslash):
Seems that the properly classes are missing for some paths:
this is actually the case for a bunch of icons. basically every icon that has an outline that has been "expanded" (I think that's how Illustrator calls it).
Easy to see when you open and add this via inspector:
.ionicon-stroke-width {
stroke-width: 5px;
Here is ascreenshot of all the icons. Quite easy to spot which ones do not work:
This leads me to think: Is icon scaling stroke scaling actually a supported feature? If it is, it's broken…
I had the same issue with the chevrons. Some of these icons are reasonable to not work with outline, but many of them should be included like the chevrons.
As said before, I have the same problem with outline chevrons. Are there any possible fix planned for this?