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Build lightning fast Progressive Web Apps with zero config and best practices built-in. Go from zero to production ready with Ionic and Stencil (Web Components).

Results 17 ionic-pwa-toolkit issues
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As stated in the title, please update the Ionic and Stencil versions so we can have a working boilerplate with the latest.

**I'm submitting a ...** [ ] bug report [ X] feature request [ ] support request **Current behavior:** Splash screen not showing on iOS **Expected behavior:** Splash screen is showing...

help wanted
good first issue

Without the fragment factory you can't use the ` ... ` as a fragment shorthand. If it's set to `Fragment` instead of `h.Fragment`, you'd have to manually import `Fragment` or...

**Resources:** **Stencil version:** @stencil/[email protected] **I'm submitting a ...** [x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] support request => Please do not submit support requests here, use one of...


Hi to everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I've started a Pwa Ionic + Stencil toolkit project And I've the Ionic css utils in my app.css ``` /** Optional CSS utils that can...

This fixes the starter kit where the generated code would not build as described in #107 Fixes #107

when I run ``` npm init stencil ionic-pwa ``` the generated code doesn't have service worker file, or `package.json` doesn't have any mention of `start.sw` in `scripts`, is there anything...

Note: I use Google Translate. Currently, when you create a new project with `npx create-stencil ionic-pwa` and `npm start`, you get an image-like error. ![screen]( For the time being, installing...

Our starters typically include some CSS variable declarations but this toolkit does not:

On the main [site](, all the text is charged to the left and looks weird.