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A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Results 335 ionic-framework issues
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# `ion-label` inside `ion-item` aligns wrongly or disappers if custom **Angular** component is used in this `ion-item` when stacked or floating label position is set - because `item-label-stacked` class is...

package: angular
type: bug

# Bug Report **Ionic version:** [x] **4.7.x** **Current behavior:** Ionic input control not working and refreshing UI as expected **Expected behavior:** Prevent write value on disabled ion-input control and Change...

package: angular
type: bug

# Bug Report **Ionic version:** [x] **5.x** **Current behavior:** Given: ion-item that contains an ion-chip and an ion-input. I can interact with both (i.e. not disabled). When ion-input is disabled,...

package: core
type: bug

**Ionic version:** [ ] **4.x** [x] **5.x** **I'm submitting a ...** [x] bug report [ ] feature request **Current behavior:** The ion-toggle component sets ARIA attributes, such as role and...

package: core
type: bug

# Bug Report **Ionic version:** 4.x 5.x **Current behavior:** if ion-checkbox has text and along with text if there is a link present, then touch target for the checkbox becomes...

package: core
type: bug

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

type: bug
bug: external

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

needs: reply

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

type: feature request
package: core

# Bug Report **Ionic Info** ``` Ionic: ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.4.0 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 4.0.0-beta.16 @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.10.6 @angular-devkit/schematics : 7.0.6 @angular/cli : 7.0.6 @ionic/angular-toolkit : 1.2.0...

type: bug
bug: external

# Bug Report **Ionic version:** **4.x** **Current behavior:** IonButton does not trigger submission of the form. You need this when your submit button is outside the form itself. ``` .......

help wanted
type: feature request
package: core