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bug: ion-refresher-content, should be able to set aria-label, title or aria-labelledby

Open stianmorsund opened this issue 4 months ago • 3 comments


Ionic Framework Version


Current Behavior

This got my attention due to a failing accessibility test using @axe-core/playwright. So the issue that gets warned about is that progressbars should have accessible labels:

There appears to be no way to set an accessible label when using the ion-refresher, like so

    <ion-refresher slot="fixed" (ionRefresh)="refresh()">
      <ion-refresher-content  />

Expected Behavior

Expect to be able to set a title, aria-label or aria-labelledby as recommended here

Steps to Reproduce

Just see any of the demos here and observe that the spinners don't have an accessible name

Code Reproduction URL

No response

Ionic Info

"@ionic/angular": "7.6.6",

Additional Information

No response

stianmorsund avatar Jan 26 '24 14:01 stianmorsund

@stianmorsund Thank you for the issue!

I have verified that this causes a failing status when it comes to web accessibility.

Are you wanting to customize the text that is passed to aria-label,title or aria-labelledby?

thetaPC avatar Jan 31 '24 01:01 thetaPC

@thetaPC Thanks for having a look :) Being able to customize the text would be great, then we can also support translations.

stianmorsund avatar Jan 31 '24 08:01 stianmorsund

@stianmorsund that makes sense. The team will look into this. Thank you again for submitting the issue!

thetaPC avatar Feb 02 '24 16:02 thetaPC