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bug: focus trap prevents focus from moving to overlays that do not use focus trapping

Open soroush-gh opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments


Ionic Framework Version

  • [ ] v4.x
  • [ ] v5.x
  • [X] v6.x

Current Behavior

I can not focus on search bar input for the "ngx-mat-select-search" or all inputs that they are using to add features such as add link in the MCE Editor when I am using them (mat-select / MCE-Editor) in the ionic-modal.

I thought it was for z-index conflicting and try different ways to solve it but I could not!


Expected Behavior

The end-user should be type anything in the inputs that I explained on the top.

Steps to Reproduce


Code Reproduction URL

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Ionic Info

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Additional Information

No response

soroush-gh avatar Jan 24 '22 21:01 soroush-gh

I have created a simple reproduction of this issue. It appears if an ion-segment exists in the modal, any nested modal inputs cannot grab focus.

Stackblitz of ion-modal with an ion-segment present and tinyMCE editor

  1. Click Insert > Link
  2. Observe the text inputs cannot gain focus

Stackblitz of ion-modal without an ion-segment present and tinyMCE editor

  1. Click Insert > Link
  2. Observe you can focus and type into text inputs

JeramieHallyburton avatar Jan 25 '22 00:01 JeramieHallyburton

I have the same problem with ngx-mat-select-search inside modal.

I have made an example where outside modal the input search of select works, but inside modal without an ion-segment i can't search select values.

kalozoya-gregal avatar Mar 22 '22 16:03 kalozoya-gregal

This appears to be an issue with focus trapping. When you present ion-modal, we prevent focus from leaving the modal for better accessibility. However, the tinyMCE editor is presented at the root of the app outside of the ion-modal. As a result, when you try to focus an input in the editor, ion-modal brings focus back to the first focusable element. In this case, that is the segment button.

liamdebeasi avatar May 18 '22 18:05 liamdebeasi

This appears to be an issue with focus trapping. When you present ion-modal, we prevent focus from leaving the modal for better accessibility. However, the tinyMCE editor is presented at the root of the app outside of the ion-modal. As a result, when you try to focus an input in the editor, ion-modal brings focus back to the first focusable element. In this case, that is the segment button.

Is there a workaround to this issue? I'm using TinyMCE in an Ionic 7 project, the plugin dialogs (e.g. the TinyMCE Link Plugin) work fine on ionic pages, but not when I use an editor inside an ion-modal. Focus trapping! None of the input elements are focusable. Any ideas how I can get around this?

inexuscore avatar May 07 '23 20:05 inexuscore

This appears to be an issue with focus trapping. When you present ion-modal, we prevent focus from leaving the modal for better accessibility. However, the tinyMCE editor is presented at the root of the app outside of the ion-modal. As a result, when you try to focus an input in the editor, ion-modal brings focus back to the first focusable element. In this case, that is the segment button.

Is there a workaround to this issue? I'm using TinyMCE in an Ionic 7 project, the plugin dialogs (e.g. the TinyMCE Link Plugin) work fine on ionic pages, but not when I use an editor inside an ion-modal. Focus trapping! None of the input elements are focusable. Any ideas how I can get around this?

Use this CSS class ion-disable-focus-trap on creating ion-modal image

soroush-gh avatar May 08 '23 12:05 soroush-gh

Regarding the recent closed issue, is there a recomended way to avoid the focus trap on modal?

hatsantos avatar Feb 15 '24 10:02 hatsantos

Thanks in my case, adding it using cssClass did not work for me, but adding it using an id before opening the modal worked perfectly for me. similar to the recent closed issue #29056 <ion-modal id="ionModals" addClass() { document.getElementById('ionModals')?.classList.add('ion-disable-focus-trap') }

GerardoTovar avatar Feb 18 '24 06:02 GerardoTovar

Would it make sense in the ModalController object's configuration API to have a boolean to activate or not the focus trap?

Something like:

const modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
      component: ModalExampleComponent,
      focusTrap: false // (default true)

hatsantos avatar Feb 26 '24 10:02 hatsantos