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feat: Swipe to dismiss Toasts
Feature Request
Toast can optionally be dismissed via swiping the toast.
Ionic version:
[x] 4.x [x] 5.x
Describe the Feature Request
Toasts should be dismissible via swiping. Many modern mobile apps that show messages similar to Toasts in Ionic are easily dismissible via swiping left or right on the toast.
Describe Preferred Solution
A swipeToClose boolean option that could be added to the opts parameter in the Toast Controller's .create() function. Set to false by default.
This issue has been labeled as help wanted
. This label is added to issues that we believe would be good for contributors.
If you'd like to work on this issue, please comment here letting us know that you would like to submit a pull request for it. This helps us to keep track of the pull request and make sure there isn't duplicated effort.
For a guide on how to create a pull request and test this project locally to see your changes, see our contributing documentation.
Thank you!
Hello @jschillingApollo Check in this toolset if somethings you are looking for.
Hello @jschillingApollo Check in this toolset if somethings you are looking for.
Thanks @roman-rr for the suggestion! That library looks awesome. Lots of great options.
I'd like to try adding this feature.
any update?
any update?
Looks like it has been completed in this PR and is awaiting review by the Ionic team to be added to a future minor release.
Hi, would be a nice feature. But it's still not supported?
Waiting for this too....
any news about this feature?
Hey whats going on here with jschillingApollo open PR ? Nobody form ionic Team here to add this in official ionic release. Would by nice to have this feature, because it would be feel more native for ios user. Push Messages from ios simply can swipe up
Definitely agree that this would be great to see included - it's something my clients have been asking for for quite a while, but currently I would need to implement another plugin (as suggested above) to achieve this. This seems an excessive step when I would argue that most users (and developers) would expect to be able to swipe-to-dismiss anything that pops over. If it retains backwards compatibility by being disabled by default, then I think that makes most sense. Thanks!
Looks like there was some updates on the PR for this Issue yesterday. Potentially targeted for Ionic v7 release but it didn't sound like they are dead set on that yet. They mentioned they are still very interested in including it and know that it is important to us.
How wonderful! I'm looking forward to this new feature. Guys, it is possible to test this feature in advance, you would want to make a fork. Testing purposes.
How is the status of this issue? More and more applications use this and I think we need to modernise the toast anyways with a few more options. For example also seeing a timer bar which goes eg. from left to right (based on the duration) and then dismisses, or the swipe to dismiss feature. 🙈
Hi everyone,
This feature was implemented in and will be available in an upcoming minor release of Ionic.
Thanks for the issue! This issue is being locked to prevent comments that are not relevant to the original issue. If this is still an issue with the latest version of Ionic, please create a new issue and ensure the template is fully filled out.