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feat: Ability to programmatically start `ion-refresher`

Open rdethurens opened this issue 5 years ago • 6 comments

Feature Request

Ionic Info

   ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.4.0
   NodeJS : v8.9.4
   npm    : 4.2.0
   OS     : Windows 10

Describe the Feature Request As it was possible in Ionic 3.9.2, I would like to have a method to programaticaly begin refresh of a Refresher. I use it on every listPage to automatically load my data and show user that he can pulldown to refresh data

Describe Preferred Solution A method on Refresher object which do the job.

Describe Alternatives Here is my Ionic 3.9.2 code to do this

    public IonRefreshOpen(refresher: Refresher) {
        this._refresher = refresher;
        this._refresher._top = `${refresher.pullMin}px`;

Thanks for your answers

rdethurens avatar Nov 30 '18 18:11 rdethurens

This is interesting, but we will probably not add this feature until 4.0 final is released! It was not a public API at all in Ionic 3 either

manucorporat avatar Dec 06 '18 23:12 manucorporat

Could you work in a PR?

manucorporat avatar Dec 06 '18 23:12 manucorporat

Hi ManuCoporat,
First, thanks for your answer. What do you mean by "work in a PR" ? If i could create a Pull Request ? Sure If i could follow the PR to check the feature advancement ? Sure If i could dev this feature ? Why not

rdethurens avatar Dec 07 '18 07:12 rdethurens

@manucorporat do you know if there's any plan to put this functionality back in the coming releases for Ionic 4? otherwise I'll need to make some large changes in our UX for updating content, so just wondering if I should plan for that

kevryan2 avatar Jan 17 '19 19:01 kevryan2

@manucorporat assuming I can figure out how to test my changes to close out #17166 and issue a PR, I will then work on issuing a PR for this as well... will you be open to accepting a PR for this issue?

kevryan2 avatar Jan 30 '19 15:01 kevryan2

I created a PR 😊 #21972

EinfachHans avatar Aug 25 '20 14:08 EinfachHans