ionic-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ionic-cli copied to clipboard

The Ionic command-line interface

Results 173 ionic-cli issues
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**Description:** There is no set of command line flags for a non-interactive start of a new cordova app without the free account prompt. When setting up a new project with...


**Description:** When using Ionic lab I find that the UI between the two rendered frames (IOS,MD) are exactly the same and do not differ. it appears that Ionic lab only...


I started writing my own CLI utility to do this but if the team would be open to adding this I would love to send a PR. Basically, I would...


Bumps [@types/inquirer]( from 0.0.43 to 9.0.0. Commits See full diff in compare view [![Dependabot compatibility score](]( Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter...


Bumps [@stencil/core]( from 1.8.12 to 2.17.3. Release notes Sourced from @​stencil/core's releases. 🌭 2.17.3 (2022-08-02) Bug Fixes validation: update module location suggestion (#3508) (9ccde5e), closes #3507 🍤 2.17.2 (2022-08-01) Bug...


**Description:** I'm trying to install a plugin (cordova-plugin-bugfender) from a git URL pointing to a specific commit. `ionic cordova` throws an error while `cordova` directly installs it without any issue....


**Description:** The current behavior of the `ionic:serve` hook is adding a new `--project` argument that breaks the call to the underlying angular command. **Steps to Reproduce:** In a brand new...


**Description:** `ionic start` command broken with Yarn v2 (aka berry). **Steps to Reproduce:** ```bash $ yarn set version berry $ echo n | ionic start Test blank --type=angular ``` Or...


This pull request enables user to use yarn berry (aka yarn v2 and yarn v3) as their package manager, and fixed #4483

needs info

`ionic build --prod` ``` Generating index html...10 rules skipped due to selector errors: :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-start -> unmatched pseudo-class :host-context :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-end -> unmatched pseudo-class :host-context :host-context([dir=rtl]) .ion-float-sm-start -> unmatched pseudo-class...
