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Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the Web ⚡️

Results 259 capacitor issues
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## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` @capacitor/cli: 4.2.0 @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/android: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0 ``` ### Platform(s) Android ### Current Behavior After installing an app that created from Capacitor...

platform: android
needs reply
needs reproduction

Fixes #4240 Fixes #5394 The PR should fix the Android redirect issue. More importantly, it fixes this issue without destroying the native bridge on redirects. It actually also fixes this...

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` Capacitor Doctor Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 2.4.3 @capacitor/core: 2.4.3 @capacitor/android: 2.4.3 @capacitor/electron: 2.4.3 @capacitor/ios: 2.4.3 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/ios not installed @capacitor/cli 2.4.2 @capacitor/android 2.4.2...

platform: android

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.2.0 @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/android: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.2.0 @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/android: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0 [success] Android looking...

platform: android
needs reply
needs reproduction

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` 💊 Capacitor Doctor 💊 Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.2.0 @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/android: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/android: not installed @capacitor/core: 4.0.1 @capacitor/cli: 4.0.1...

platform: ios
needs reply
needs reproduction

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` 💊 Capacitor Doctor 💊 Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.2.0 @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/android: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/android: not installed @capacitor/core: 4.2.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.2.0...

platform: ios

## Feature Request ### Description (I'm new here (and to Capacitor), hopefully I have this submission correct and I'm in the right place) I'm building an app where it would...

platform: ios

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.1.0 @capacitor/core: 4.1.0 @capacitor/android: 4.1.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.1.0 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.0.1 @capacitor/core: 4.0.1 @capacitor/android: 4.0.1 @capacitor/ios: 4.0.1 ``` ### Platform(s)...

platform: android
platform: ios
platform: web
needs reproduction

## Bug Report ### Capacitor Version ``` 💊 Capacitor Doctor 💊 Latest Dependencies: @capacitor/cli: 4.1.0 @capacitor/core: 4.1.0 @capacitor/android: 4.1.0 @capacitor/ios: 4.1.0 Installed Dependencies: @capacitor/android: not installed @capacitor/cli: 4.1.0 @capacitor/core: 4.1.0...

platform: ios

I am trying to set the WebView background color using the _capacitor.config.json_ file with the param ```"backgroundColor": "#000000"``` I can see the value is going through to the Swift code...