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Camera giving me png when docs say it should be jpg
Description of the problem:
The docs say I should get a jpg back from capacitor:
// The url starting with 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' and the base64 encoded string representation of the image, if using CameraResultType.DataUrl. dataUrl ?: string;
When testing in the browser, I'm getting a png (e.g. ...). I need consistent or controllable behaviour of the image format.
Affected platform
- [ ] Android
- [ ] iOS
- [ ] electron
- [x] web
OS of the development machine
- [x] Windows
- [ ] macOS
- [ ] linux
Other information:
Capacitor version: 1.1.0
node version: 10.16.0
npm version: 6.9.0
Steps to reproduce:
Take a picture:
const { Camera } = Plugins;
const image = await Camera.getPhoto({
quality: 90,
allowEditing: false,
resultType: CameraResultType.DataUrl,
source: CameraSource.Prompt
Put a breakpoint on the result, you'll see the data url is png.
Yeah, that's only true for the native platforms, on web it returns a png, so docs should be updated.
To make it possible to return a jpeg on web, ionic-pwa-elements should be updated to accept other image type
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