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Get all your structure and rip it apart.
Get all your structure and rip it apart 🔪
The main idea: if you can describe your data structure via Cofree, you got:
- Comonadic methods, you always can
a focus value orextend
with some function - With
you can serialize, persistent or hash a segment of your structure!
Example usage
Let's define a simple non-empty list type:
type Stack a = Cofree Maybe a
Then, build a value of this type, stack of integers, the whole structure in memory (ignore lazy evaluation aspects now):
inmemory :: Stack Int
inmemory = 1 :< Just (2 :< Just (3 :< Just (4 :< Just (5 :< Nothing))))
Set a limit for structure
Sometimes, we don’t need to hold a whole structure in memory, can it be good just cut a part of it and save to file?
save_to_file :: FilePath -> Segment Stack Int -> IO FilePath
save_to_file fp structure = writeFile fp (show structure) *> pure fp
scattered = IO (Scattered Stack Int FilePath)
scattered = limit 2 (save_to_file "part.txt") inmemory
And our structure transformed into:
scattered :: Scattered Stack Int FilePath
scattered = Apart $ 1 :< Ready (Just $ 2 :< Ready (Just $ 3 :< Converted "part.txt"))
Traverse over scattered structure
We also can fluently traverse over scattered structure with action and function for recover a segment:
fluently :: IO (Stack ())
fluently = fluent print read_from_file scattered
Recover scattered structure
Return back to memory our stack of integers:
read_from_file :: FilePath -> IO (Segment Stack Int)
read_from_file fp = read @(Segment Stack Int) <$> readFile fp
inmemory :: IO (Stack Int)
inmemory = recover read_from_file scattered