ioBroker.unifi copied to clipboard
Temperature of Security Gateway 4P missing in 0.5.0
In der 0.4.x war es möglich die 4 Temperaturen des Security Gateway 4P auszulesen. das ist in der 0.5.x Reihe aktuell nicht möglich wäre aber schön wenn das wieder einfließen würde.
In 0.4.x it was possible to read out the 4 temperatures of the Security Gateway 4P. this is currently not possible in the 0.5.x series but it would be nice if this would be included again.
Can you please provide the exact name of the state? Or even better, can you please open the following link (replace IP, PORT and SITE with the correct values of your controller) and provide the output?
These are the temperature values:
temps":{"Board (CPU)":"51 C","Board (PHY)":"52 C","CPU":"67 C","PHY":"74 C"}
Move out:
name":"Security Gateway 4P","device_id":"5e8fxxxxxxxxxxxxx","state":1,"start_disconnected_millis":1589306780977,"last_seen":1589998211,"default":false,"discovered_via":"l2","adopt_ip":"","adopt_url":"http://192.x.x.x:8080/inform","x_inform_authkey":"4600xxxxxxxxxx","upgradable":false,"adoptable_when_upgraded":false,"rollupgrade":false,"known_cfgversion":"857exxxxxxxxx","uptime":896412,"_uptime":896412,"locating":false,"start_connected_millis":1589306781311,"sys_stats":{"loadavg_1":"0.19","loadavg_15":"0.16","loadavg_5":"0.15","mem_buffer":62279680,"mem_total":2089517056,"mem_used":917606400},"system-stats":{"cpu":"5","mem":"33","temps":{"Board (CPU)":"51 C","Board (PHY)":"52 C","CPU":"67 C","PHY":"74 C"},"uptime":"833642"}
The values are output in the objects:
loadavg_1": "0.19", "loadavg_15": "0.16", "loadavg_5": "0.15
But the temperature values are missing.
Unfortunately closed by mistake