ioBroker.shelly copied to clipboard
A support for Shelly Pro-EM-50
I'm sure that
- [X] This issue is still present in the current beta version of this adapter
- [X] There is no other (open) issue with the same topic (used the search)
- [X] This issue is not described in the adapter documentation / FAQ
Shelly device
No response
Protocol (CoAP / MQTT)
No response
The problem
i love this adapter, thank you for the realy good work! I've to replace some devices, because voltage overload through weather conditions. :-(
Now, i like to have a "shelly PRO EM-50" in place:
PLEASE, can you add it?
Thank you very much!
bR Steffen
Version of nodejs
Version of ioBroker js-controller
Version of Adapter
Operating system running ioBroker
Checklist of files to include below
- [ ] iobroker.current.log (Please share the logs in debug mode)
- [ ] Contents of the JavaScript browser console (always include in cases of issues with the user interface)
Additional information & file uploads
No response
Thanks for reporting @luetty!
- Check if this topic is not covered in the documentation
- Ensure that you use the latest beta version:
- Attach all necessary log files in debug mode, screenshots and other information to reproduce this issue
- Search for the issue topic in other/closed issues to avoid duplicates!
I would also be very happy if the device were integrated.
@Web-Macher Pretty hard - since no one shared a log file so far...
@klein0r I don't know much about iobroker yet - and also plugin development. If you can tell me were I can find it, I can provide it to you.
@klein0r : hopefully this is, what you need.
Hi, I would also like to have the Shelly Pro-EM-50 supported. If necessary, I can also provide log files from iobroker. Unfortunately, the Pro-EM-50 uses different instances (EM1 and EM1Data) than for example the Pro-3-EM. Thanks
Same here 😀 please let me know what is missing regarding log file. MQTT (non shelly e.g.: mqtt.0.ShellyKK.status.em1:0) works but only receives JSON:
The objects in ioBroker are:
Auch ich möchte gerne 1phasig und kontaktlos die Leistung der Solaranlage messen und weiter verarbeiten. Da die Oberfläche sehr ähnlich zu denen der Plus1 PM ist, hatte ich gehofft, dass sich auch deren Anbindung realisieren ließe.
Kann ich irgendwie unterstützen? Screenshot/Tests?
Konfiguriert habe ich den shelly wie in den haus-automatisierungs kursen:
- Wlan konfiguriert
- Authentifizierung ein: PW vergeben
- MQTT eingeschaltet + Benutzername + Passwort
- AP & Bluetooth deaktiviert
Ich kann Shelly erreichen per Browser:
Als Ergebnis bekomme ich (mac hab ich geändert):
{"ble":{},"cloud":{"connected":false},"em1:0":{"id":0,"current":15.041,"voltage":244.1,"act_power":3668.5,"aprt_power":3686.6,"pf":0.99, "freq":50.0,"calibration":"factory"},"em1:1":{"id":1,"current":0.020,"voltage":244.1,"act_power":0.0,"aprt_power":4.9,"pf":0.00, "freq":50.0,"calibration":"factory"},"em1data:0":{"id":0,"total_act_energy":11598.40,"total_act_ret_energy":0.27},"em1data:1":{"id":1,"total_act_energy":0.00,"total_act_ret_energy":0.00},"eth":{"ip":null},"modbus":{},"mqtt":{"connected":false},"switch:0":{"id":0, "source":"init", "output":false,"temperature":{"tC":52.7, "tF":126.9}},"sys":{"mac":"08AAAAAA2604","restart_required":false,"time":"13:13","unixtime":1709640804,"uptime":9876,"ram_size":241704,"ram_free":104920,"fs_size":524288,"fs_free":208896,"cfg_rev":12,"kvs_rev":0,"schedule_rev":0,"webhook_rev":0,"available_updates":{},"reset_reason":3},"wifi":{"sta_ip":"","status":"got ip","ssid":"heimWlanNetz","rssi":-39},"ws":{"connected":false}}
Ich bin noch nicht soweit im Kurs... aber ist das nicht Json?
mit jedem Aktualisieren des Browsers erhalte ich neue Werte.
act_power":3668.5 deckt sich ziemlich, mit dem Wert auf dem Display des Wechselrichters
Same here. Can I support you?
2024-03-23 10:31:48.943 - [34mdebug[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT] Client connected: {"cmd":"connect","retain":false,"qos":0,"dup":false,"length":101,"topic":null,"payload":null,"protocolId":"MQTT","protocolVersion":4,"will":{"retain":true,"qos":0,"topic":"shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64/online","payload":{"type":"Buffer","data":[102,97,108,115,101]}},"clean":true,"keepalive":60,"clientId":"shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64","username":"Shelly","password":{"type":"Buffer","data":[68,105,109,103,115,112,49,51,53,55,57]}}
2024-03-23 10:31:48.943 - [31merror[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT] (Shelly?) device unknown, configuration for client with id "shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64" does not exist! Maybe this device is not supported in this adapter version.
2024-03-23 10:31:48.943 - [31merror[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT] DO NOT CHANGE THE CLIENT-ID OF YOUR SHELLY DEVICES (see adapter documentation for details)
2024-03-23 10:31:48.959 - [34mdebug[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT Server] End for ( (shellyproem50 / shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64 / undefined))
2024-03-23 10:31:48.960 - [32minfo[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT] Client Close: (shellyproem50 / shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64 / undefined) (false)
2024-03-23 10:31:48.960 - [34mdebug[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [BaseClient] Destroying (shellyproem50 / shellyproem50-08f9e0e59c64 / undefined)
2024-03-23 10:31:48.960 - [34mdebug[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT] Destroying
2024-03-23 10:31:48.960 - [34mdebug[39m: shelly.0 (666945) [MQTT Server] Close for ( (undefined / undefined / undefined))
also would like too see the Shelly Pro-EM-50 supported
ich wollte mal nachfragen wie es mit der Unterstützung des Shelly Pro-EM 50 aussieht. Steht ja au 3 von 5 Tasks erledigt. Kann man irgendwie unterstützen?
Ich habe den Shelly hier schon eine Weile rumliegen und noch nicht einbauen lassen, da er ja eh noch nicht unterstützt wurde. Ich würde den ansonsten mal in Betrieb nehmen und selber schauen, ob ich die Änderungen hin bekomme.
ich wollte mal nachfragen wie es mit der Unterstützung des Shelly Pro-EM 50 aussieht. Steht ja au 3 von 5 Tasks erledigt. Kann man irgendwie unterstützen?
Ich habe den Shelly hier schon eine Weile rumliegen und noch nicht einbauen lassen, da er ja eh noch nicht unterstützt wurde. Ich würde den ansonsten mal in Betrieb nehmen und selber schauen, ob ich die Änderungen hin bekomme.
I do not know whether there is some work done to implement the Pro-EM 50 or not. According tho there is not rlease assigne yet.
But I want to note that "3 of 5 Tasks" done refers to the checklist when raising a issue and does not relate to any development / implementation status.
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe bei mir den Adapter abgeändert, dass er nun auch den Shelly Pro EM 2x50 unterstützt. Im Moment sieht es so aus, als ob, es sauber läuft.
Ich würde den noch 2-3 Tage testen wollen und kann dann die Änderung hier zur Verfügung stellen.
@esusxunil Änderungen bitte via PR rückmelden.
@mcm1957 looks like I was successful with creating a PR for this. On my System everything is running stable with this changes since two weeks.
Thanks for spending time and providing a PR. @klein0r will review the PR in the near future for sure.
I am using @esusxunil PR (fork) successfully with my Shelly Pro EM50 for my solar panels and heatpump.
Hi, is it already implemented in actual version (7.0.0)? Still getting "... not known" in logs ... Same for Shelly1 mini g3 ...