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Brightness warnings after updating to js-controller 3.3

Open AlexKusnezov opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

I get brightness waring after the update

2021-08-12 14:00:23.168 - info: host.alex-rpi4 instance system.adapter.daswetter.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
2021-08-12 14:00:26.308 - warn: hue-extended.1 (7812) State value to set for "hue-extended.1.lights.029-kinderzimmer_rechts.action.brightness" has value "255" greater than max "254"
2021-08-12 14:00:57.405 - warn: hue-extended.1 (7812) State value to set for "hue-extended.1.groups.001-studio.action.brightness" has value "255" greater than max "254"
2021-08-12 14:01:32.497 - warn: hue-extended.1 (7812) State value to set for "hue-extended.1.groups.001-studio.action.brightness" has value "255" greater than max "254"
2021-08-12 14:02:07.729 - warn: hue-extended.1 (7812) State value to set for "hue-extended.1.groups.001-studio.action.brightness" has value "255" greater than max "254"

AlexKusnezov avatar Aug 12 '21 12:08 AlexKusnezov