Ignacio Baixas
Ignacio Baixas
This is something that definitely needs improvement. We currently mock the requests, I've been thinking about this but I'm not really sure about which methods should be mocked. Any suggestions?...
@blackjid, @bunzli, maybe this could be a nice enhancement to be build during Platanus Fridays... @ldlsegovia and @ReneMoraales I would very much appreciate your take on this too!
We could store encoded data into this 'revisions' using `after-save` or `after-encode` hooks.. Then reverting would just be a matter of calling `$decode` with the revision encoded data.
The problem only arises when using the `track by` expression, because angular starts copying the selected value instead of passing the reference. We should implement the `cloneNode` method in our...
Where are these inconsistencies located? There are currently two documentation sources, the README and the reference at http://platanus.github.io/angular-restmod/, it would be very helpful to know where the documentation errors are....
Using `new Model(id)` will work just fine to create a new record. The only consideration is that it will ALWAYS create a new record, not like `$new` that future extensions...
Not sure on how I could accomplish that, I could use an additional 'type' and do something like: ``` js function Model(id) { return Model.$new(id) } Model.$new = function(id) {...
I think a new `$abort` method is better, since `$cancel` only discards pending requests. I think is simple enough to make it to 1.1. I'm yet to confirm the naming...
This probable should happen only with hasMany and hasOne relations. By default I think data should be sent in a *_attributes property. Proposed usage: ``` javascript restmod.model({ many: { hasMany:...
Ok, I'll give it priority when work on 1.1 starts, for now, this can be accomplished using a `before-render` hook: ``` javascript restmod.model('/url', { others: { hasMany: 'Other' }, '~before-render'...