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Hikvision Door Station
I have an IP Doorstation DS-KIS701 and will include then in my IObroker
Please provide more details ... what you do? Or are you requesting? I do not get the point here
I want to see the rtsp Stream of my Doorcamera at the vis and activate the Door-opener. For android is a App distributed Guarding vision.
have hardware and read the SDK...
I'll try to "nail something together" without the cloud ;-)
but it can take until autumn ... to the alpha version
BTW: with the HAM adapter it is already possible to access it from IOB via the HIK cloud @judge/homebridge-hikconnect checked by myself
would be great to have DoorBell Integration KV8113 ;)
Are there any news on this ?
I want to integrate my Hik KD8003 / ABus TVHS20000 (ModuVis)
Door opener, ring indicater, tamper alarm, stop ring,.....
@Andy200877 Do you plan to write an adapter to integrate your devices or would you like to get an adapter written by another developer?
@ALL If you are interested in this adapter please use Thumbs-up at the FIRST posting.
Without the cloud, all attempts at stable communication were unsuccessful. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm grateful for every tip.
I will not do a "copy" of what is already implemented in the HAM adapter, because Cloud...
Without the cloud, all attempts at stable communication were unsuccessful. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm grateful for every tip.
Depending on what you refer to with "all attempts at stable communication were unsuccessful" (technical communication problem, programmatically locks due to device protection firmware, ...) you could possibly get help at iobroker forum or telegram. (german) (german)
Depending on what you refer to with "all attempts at stable communication were unsuccessful" (technical communication problem, programmatically locks due to device protection firmware, ...) you could possibly get help at iobroker forum or telegram. (german) (german)
I offered to create an ioBroker adapter... it relates to the HIK API/SDK...
Thanks very much for your effort and your time spent for this adapter.
I only wanted to note some resources where you likely would get support for adapter implementation if you are looking for it as long as the existing problems are not too directly connected to the functionality of the HIK Api itself.
Here is the HIK SDK :
... HIK Api itself.
I want to enlarge the functionality compared to the HAM-adapter (with HIK plugin). Unfortunately, ... is not to be operated with the Local-API, at least not satisfactory stable. And reconcile with the cloud API, "only" to have a native ibroker adapter, is not worth the time.
Here is the HIK SDK :
that's not operable on NODE-JS
I want to integrate my Hik KD8003...
I have 2 of these working well.
From what I can tell they don't have an API or nice way to access events.
In order to detect a call I installed an Asterisk SIP server and have the KD8003 dial a number on that. Each station has a different number to dial within Asterisk. Then in the extensions config inside Asterisk have it execute a script which can do anything you like. We have a Loxone system which itself needs to make a SIP call to talk to the intercom caller, so I have Loxone dial yet another number which conferences it in to the original call. Sounds convoluted but works pretty well.
For video handing I use Frigate which is very nice.
To detect a Ring i've connected a Shelly Uni at the Back of the Touchscreenmonitor. That is working really well. But I want to disable the ring of the Monitor, when i open the Door. So i must hangup the voicecall from KD8003. Which API this is not possible by KD8003 and ist works only on SDK.
Or is it possible with Asterisk SIP Server ? KD8003 => Asterix => Abus / Hik Touchscreen Monitor And when i open the Door asterix hang up ?
Andy can you describe how you did connect the shelly Uni ? Thanks
This 2 wires at the input of the shelly and 12v/gnd for power supply for the shelly.
Or is it possible with Asterisk SIP Server ? KD8003 => Asterix => Abus / Hik Touchscreen Monitor And when i open the Door asterix hang up ?
I don't have an indoor unit - only the KD8003 unit itself - that's it. It's possible to configure that unit to dial an Asterisk PBX (runs fine on an RPi or similar SBC - even some routers) and once the call comes in Asterisk can run a script to do whatever you want. Haven't tried but am guessing it's trivial to execute a second script to have Asterisk terminate the call if that's what you need.
I think it's not possible to use it with asterix. Indoorstation view live video, app,... When its not possible to build a adapter, i think its better to wrote a hik2mqtt bridge. So i can run the bridge on rpi and became all functions over mqtt (ring, open door, sabotage,...)
I think it's not possible to use it with asterix.
Yes it is. I use KD8003 with Asterisk and it works perfectly.
When its not possible to build a adapter, i think its better to wrote a hik2mqtt bridge.
The problem with this idea is that the KD8003 does not have any MQTT functions (AFAIK). Again, AFAIK the only thing it can do when the intercom 'call' button is pressed is dial a SIP extension. Would love to hear otherwise, that's all I could make it do.
I think it's not possible to use it with asterix.
Yes it is. I use KD8003 with Asterisk and it works perfectly.
When its not possible to build a adapter, i think its better to wrote a hik2mqtt bridge.
The problem with this idea is that the KD8003 does not have any MQTT functions (AFAIK). Again, AFAIK the only thing it can do when the intercom 'call' button is pressed is dial a SIP extension. Would love to hear otherwise, that's all I could make it do.
When yo use the astrix server, do you can use the app on the smartphone ? With pushmessages, liveview, pictures of the last calls,... ? Can you open the door by app ?
With asterix, thf indoor station can only ring and videocall. Live view is not working.
In many foren people writing problems with asterix and missing functions.
At home assist its possible to to all this without asterix. Only by sdk.
When the sdk is not running under iobroker / nodejs, i need a stand alone programm which use the sdk and push all messages by mqtt to iobroker.
When i've a tamper alarm, motionalarm, ring,.. the standalone programm receive this by sdk and push it to iobroker. And when i change a state of an objekt, the standalone programm receive it and bring it by sdk to the dorrbell.
When yo use the astrix server, do you can use the app on the smartphone ? With pushmessages, liveview, pictures of the last calls,... ? Can you open the door by app ?
The HikVision app? Having the DS call Asterisk does not impact the use of HikVision app. Once a call is triggered you can choose to open the HikVision app to see/speak with caller, or do your own automation to open doors/gates/etc. Or in our case I can open Loxone app to do that also (Loxone call routed through Asterisk). I also have images from the camera sent via Telegram on movement and other events.
At home assist its possible to to all this without asterix. Only by sdk.
Really? You got a link to the code? AFAIK there was no way to interact with the KD8003 via any kind of API so this is why I have it call Asterisk.
...i need a stand alone programm which use the sdk and push all messages by mqtt to iobroker.
Again, show me an API to interact with a KD8003 and will gladly integrate this with IoB.
"8003 owners need a custom firmware" No thank you :disappointed:
No... 8003 need custom firmware to use all ISAPI Commands.
For the normal HA Plugin you dont other Firmware.
I've installed HA only for my doorstation. It's running with normal firmware and without asterix.
Without the cloud, all attempts at stable communication were unsuccessful. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm grateful for every tip.
I will not do a "copy" of what is already implemented in the HAM adapter, because Cloud...
Hi, Any news on this project? Is there some development still ongoing?
Please provide an update Thanks for your effort.
Again, show me an API to interact with a KD8003 and will gladly integrate this with IoB.
Any News on that?
I also just installed HASS for my doorstation, but it is not fully running. I don't get any events when the ring button on the doorbell is pressed.
@Andy200877 ; You got an update at "doorbell ringing", do you have a indoor station as well? I read somewhere, that it is necessary to have one? Is that correct, because i don't have one.
I have an KV8113, if I can deliver any Info let me know.