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Official PyTorch Implementation of SAGPool - ICML 2019
in train epoch: why optimizer.zero_grad() after optimizer.step()? Does it matter? It's usually optimizer.step()--loss.backward()--optimizer.step()
Hi, thank for sharing the codes. In the, what does the variable "data.batch" denote in the forward method? I have looked up to pyg document, and found neither Data...
Hi, I am running your code several time on the DD dataset and obtain different results than the one you present on Table 3 of your paper. In particular I...
Hi,your work is so interesting! In the experiments, you said "we evaluated the pooling methods over 20 random seeds using 10-fold cross validation. " Could you tell me what random... The 100-row code has a spelling problem. There should be 'format' instead of 'fotmat'.
Hi! The FRANKENSTEIN Dataset does not have any node attributes by default. Was SAGPool trained on the additional node attributes using `node_attr=True` in the `TUDataset` constructor or on some other...
Hello, thanks for the amazing work, I see you import torch_geometric, so is this code based on rusty1s' pytorch_geometric?
Hi, thanks for your code. But when I run python --dataset PROTEINS, there is an error as follows: ```Validation loss:0.513576095168655 accuracy:0.7567567567567568 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line...
@inyeoplee77 Hi, I am wondering if the stats provided in the paper under proteins column is for Proteins, proteins_full, or concatenation, node-label features, etc.?