angular-toasty copied to clipboard
A simple standalone AngularJS module with extensive features that provides growl-style alerts and messages for your app!
Angular Toasty
Angular Toasty is a simple standalone AngularJS module with extensive features that provides growl-style alerts and messages for your app.
Current Features
- 3 Themes (Default, Material Design & Bootstrap 3)
- Global/Individual timeouts
- Shaking Toasts
- Toaster sound
- onAdd, onRemove & onClick event handlers
- Event broadcasting
- Positioning
- HTML allowed
Install from Bower:
bower install angular-toasty
Add dependancies to HTML (AngularJS required)
<link href="./bower_components/angular-toasty/dist/angular-toasty.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="./bower_components/angular-toasty/dist/angular-toasty.min.js"></script>
Add the toasty module to your Angular app:
angular.module('app', ['angular-toasty']);
Add the toasty directive:
Inject and use the toasty service in your controllers:
angular.module('app').controller('UserCtrl', ['$scope', 'toasty', function($scope, toasty) {
$scope.addUser = function(user) {
// ...
// Add user
// ...
title: 'User added!',
msg: user.firstName + ' has been added!'
Each toast must have at least a title or message.
The default toasty config:
* limit: 5, // {int} Maximum number of toasties to show at once
showClose: true, // {bool} Whether to show the 'X' icon to close the toasty
clickToClose: false, // {bool} Whether clicking the toasty closes it
* position: 'bottom-right', // {string:bottom-right,bottom-left,top-right,top-left,top-center,bottom-center} The window position where the toast pops up
timeout: 5000, // {int} How long (in miliseconds) the toasty shows before it's removed. Set to false to disable.
sound: true, // {bool} Whether to play a sound when a toast is added
html: false, // {bool} Whether HTML is allowed in toasts
shake: false, // {bool} Whether to shake the toasts
theme: 'default' // {string} What theme to use; default, material or bootstrap
Config items marked with * cannot be overridden at an individual level
Global Overrides
To globally override the above config, simply inject the toastyProvider into your app at config:
angular.module('app').config(['toastyConfigProvider', function(toastyConfigProvider) {
sound: false,
shake: true
You can also get the global config at any time by calling
Individual Overrides
To override the global config for individual toasts, simply pass them into the creation object:
title: 'Ping!',
msg: '<a href="">Take me to Google!</a>',
showClose: false,
clickToClose: true,
timeout: 10000,
sound: false,
html: true,
shake: true,
theme: 'bootstrap'
You can easily clear/remove a toast from the view by calling the clear
method. To remove all at once, just call the method with no ID.
toasty.clear(); // Clear all
toasty.clear(id); // Remove a single toast by it's ID
Toast Types
There's multiple types of toast to use:
toasty(); // Default;
To create a "quick toast", just pass a string or integer to the function instead:
toasty('Quick Toast!');
toasty.success('Quick Success Toast!');
Event Handlers & Broadcasting
You can easily hook into individual toast item events by calling a functions:
title: 'New Toast!',
onAdd: function() {
console.log('Toasty ' + + ' has been added!', this);
onRemove: function() {
console.log('Toasty ' + + ' has been removed!', this);
onClick: function() {
console.log('Toasty ' + + ' has been clicked!', this);
Toasty also broadcasts on events which can be hooked into:
// When a new toast is added
$rootScope.$on('toasty-added', function(event, toast) { console.log(toast) });
// When a toast is clicked
$rootScope.$on('toasty-clicked', function(event, toast) { console.log(toast) });
// When a toast is cleared/removed
$rootScope.$on('toasty-cleared', function(event, toast) { console.log(toast) });
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