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How to unbind & rebind named/tagged?
Greetings and thank you for the wonderful library. Great job!
Is there a way to unbind and rebind specific named/tagged bindings?
Same! Is that thing?
Any progress?
it was 2023... no reaction
This might not solve your problem 100%, but here is a method I have added to my container.ts
file that lets me unbindTagged
import { Container } from "inversify"
export type Newable<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export interface Abstract<T> {
prototype: T;
export type ServiceIdentifier<T = unknown> = (string | symbol | Newable<T> | Abstract<T>);
declare module 'inversify' {
interface Container {
unbindTagged: <T>(serviceIdentifier: ServiceIdentifier<T>, key: string, value: string) => void
const container = new Container()
container.unbindTagged = <T>(serviceIdentifier: ServiceIdentifier<T>, key: string, value: string) => {
let bindings = container['_bindingDictionary'].get(serviceIdentifier)
for (let binding of bindings) {
const metadata = binding.constraint.metaData
if (metadata && metadata.key === key && metadata.value === value) {
let newBindings = bindings.filter((binding: any) => {
return !(binding.constraint.metaData.key === key && binding.constraint.metaData.value === value)
container['_bindingDictionary']['_map'].set(serviceIdentifier, newBindings)
import { container } from "./container"
class Car {}
class BMW extends Car {}
class Honda extends Car {}
async function main() {
container.bind(Car).to(BMW).whenTargetTagged('make', 'bmw')
container.bind(Car).to(Honda).whenTargetTagged('make', 'honda')
container.unbindTagged(Car, 'make', 'honda')
let cars = container.getAll(Car)
// [[class BMW extends Car]]
You can then container.bind(Car).to(Honda).whenTargetTagged('make', 'honda')
to rebind.
Calling private methods on the container is never recommended, but this library hasn't been published since 2021, and you can lock npm to a specific version.
Sorry for the lack of response here, the project went through an unmaintained period but we have been publishing releases again recently (6.0.2
at the end of October 2023)
I think this ability would be a good addition to the library. IMO we should aim to introduce this into an official release, @logikaljay has provided a nice API for it which will suit the main Inversify API well. @PodaruDragos what are your thoughts?
Added to milestone 6.1.0
pending agreement from other contributors.