puppet-catalog-test copied to clipboard
Tests all your puppet catalogs for compiler errors
Test all your puppet catalogs for compiler warnings and errors
puppet-catalog-test is a tool for capturing and testing warnings and errors the puppet-compiler is emitting during the compilation process.
For a more detailed insight into the puppet-compiler, you can take a look at http://www.masterzen.fr/2012/03/17/puppet-internals-the-compiler/.
Supported Ruby + Puppet Versions
Supported versions of Ruby <> Puppet combinations are listed in the support matrix. Combinations not listed might work, but aren't tested yet.
gem install puppet-catalog-test
$ puppet-catalog-test -h
USAGE: puppet-catalog-test [options]
-m, --module-paths PATHS Location of puppet modules, separated by collon
-M, --manifest-path PATH Location of the puppet manifests (site.pp)
-H, --hiera-config PATH Location of hiera.yaml file
-i, --include-pattern PATTERN Include only test cases that match pattern
-e, --exclude-pattern PATTERN Exclude test cases that match pattern
-s, --scenario FILE Scenario definition to use
-f, --fact KEY=VALUE Add custom fact
-p, --parser (current|future) Change puppet parser (3.2+ only)
-v, --verbose Verbose
-x, --xml Use xml report
-h, --help Show this message
CLI - successfull compile run
$ puppet-catalog-test -m test/cases/working/modules -M test/cases/working/site.pp
[INFO] Using puppet 3.0.2
[PASSED] foo (compile time: 0.168182 seconds)
[PASSED] default (compile time: 0.003451 seconds)
Compiled 2 catalogs in 0.1717 seconds (avg: 0.0858 seconds)
CLI - failed compile run
$ puppet-catalog-test -m test/cases/failing/modules -M test/cases/failing/site.pp
[INFO] Using puppet 3.0.2
[FAILED] foo (compile time: 0.17113 seconds)
[FAILED] default (compile time: 0.002951 seconds)
Compiled 2 catalogs in 0.1741 seconds (avg: 0.0871 seconds)
2 test cases failed.
[F] foo:
Duplicate declaration: Package[myapp-pkg] is already declared in file /Users/rlengwin/devel/github/puppet-catalog-test/test/cases/failing/modules/myapp/manifests/init.pp at line 4; cannot redeclare on node foo
[F] default:
Duplicate declaration: Package[myapp-pkg] is already declared in file /Users/rlengwin/devel/github/puppet-catalog-test/test/cases/failing/modules/myapp/manifests/init.pp at line 4; cannot redeclare on node default
2 / 2 FAILED
Rake integration
Testing all catalogs with default facts
When not setting any filters or scenarios puppet-catalog-test will test all nodes defined in site.pp.
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:all) do |t|
t.module_paths = ["modules"]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
t.include_pattern = ENV["include"]
t.exclude_pattern = ENV["exclude"]
t.verbose = true
In the case above no facts weren't defined so puppet-catalog-test falls back to some basic facts to satisfy the most basic requirements of puppet. Currently these facts are:
'architecture' => 'x86_64',
'ipaddress' => '',
'local_run' => 'true',
'disable_asserts' => 'true',
'interfaces' => 'eth0'
NOTE: Working examples are bundled within test/cases.
Testing all catalogs with custom facts
It is also possible to define a custom set of facts. In this case the fallback facts listed in previous example won't be used.
NOTE: When using custom facts the fact 'fqdn' always has to be set!
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:all) do |t|
t.module_paths = ["modules"]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
t.facts = {
"fqdn" => "foo.local",
"operatingsystem" => "RedHat"
t.include_pattern = ENV["include"]
t.exclude_pattern = ENV["exclude"]
Testing catalog with future parser
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:scenarios) do |t|
t.module_paths = ["modules"]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
t.scenario_yaml = "scenarios.yml"
t.parser = "future"
t.include_pattern = ENV["include"]
t.exclude_pattern = ENV["exclude"]
Scenario testing
Scenarios allow testing of more complex catalogs, e.g. having conditional branches depending on custom facts.
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:scenarios) do |t|
t.module_paths = [File.join("modules")]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
t.scenario_yaml = "scenarios.yml"
t.include_pattern = ENV["include"]
t.exclude_pattern = ENV["exclude"]
__default_facts: &default_facts
architecture: x86_64
operatingsystem: SLES
operatingsystemrelease: 11
local_run: true
disable_asserts: true
interfaces: eth0
<<: *default_facts
fqdn: tomcat-a001.foo.local
<<: *default_facts
fqdn: tomcat-a001.foo.local
operatingsystem: RedHat
<<: *default_facts
fqdn: db-a001.foo.local
<<: *default_facts
fqdn: db-a001.foo.local
operatingsystem: RedHat
NOTE: Scenarios starting with two underscores (like __default_facts) will be ignored.
Reporters (output plugins)
Per default puppet-catalog-test uses the StdoutReporter which prints the result like in the examples above. Besides this you can use in your own Reporter.
Puppet-Catalog-Test also ships a JunitXmlReporter which creates a junit compatible xml report.
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
require 'puppet-catalog-test/junit_xml_reporter'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:all) do |t|
t.module_paths = [File.join("modules")]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
t.reporter = PuppetCatalogTest::JunitXmlReporter.new("puppet-vagrant-playground", "reports/puppet_catalog.xml")
Testing with hiera
Hiera configuration is loaded by setting the config_dir parameter in rake task or using the -H, --hiera-config PATH switch.
require 'puppet-catalog-test'
require 'puppet-catalog-test/junit_xml_reporter'
namespace :catalog do
PuppetCatalogTest::RakeTask.new(:all) do |t|
t.module_paths = [File.join("modules")]
t.manifest_path = File.join("scripts", "site.pp")
# crucial option for hiera integration
t.config_dir = File.join("data") # expects hiera.yaml to be included in directory
t.reporter = PuppetCatalogTest::JunitXmlReporter.new("puppet-vagrant-playground", "reports/puppet_catalog.xml")
Code is based upon the previous work done on https://github.com/oldNoakes/puppetTesting