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jekyll extensions for the blogging scholar

Results 72 jekyll-scholar issues
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I want URLs in citations to be links, and I have monkey patched the `reference_tag` method to allow this: ``` ruby module Jekyll class Scholar module Utilities alias_method :original_reference_tag, :reference_tag...

How can I use `bibliography_count` inside conditionals? The following Jekyll code fails by "Unknown operator bibliography_count": {% if {% bibliography_count --cited %} > 0 %} References {%- bibliography --cited -%}...

> Already using Jekyll-Scholar and interested to help out? Please get in touch with us if you would like to become a maintainer! I would like to become a maintainer.

I want the references to be sorted by type (based on `type_order`) first and then sorted by year in descending. So I tried to use `type_order` with `group_order` simultaneously for...

Apologies if this is super easy or was covered before. I've been searching for an answer through the docs and issues, and testing it out for about 3 hours with...

I would like to let jekyll-scholar generate details pages but not add the "details" link after each bib entry when using the bibliography tag. I'm trying to make the title...

Hi. I have some entries like TITLE = {{in|fibrillae}} but this is rendered as _In|Fibrillae_. I found an older blog post that says one should use `use_raw_bibtex_entry: true`, but the...

Taking a stab at #322, which adds a `nocite` tag that do not output citation `[1]` in place, but will silently track them and print out the mentioned citations via...

First off, thanks so much for making this plugin! 😃 I am migrating my blog to use jekyll, where I used pandoc previously. It supports `\nocite{xxx}`, and is helpful when...

PR welcome