rtabmap_ros icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Request for Assistance with RTAB-Map and Realsense L515 on ROS Noetic

Open win895564 opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

I have installed Ubuntu version 20.04 with ROS Noetic, and I'm trying to implement RTAB-Map SLAM using the Realsense L515. I've already installed RTAB-Map using sudo apt install ros-noetic-rtabmap and I can run RTAB-Map, but there is no image display. However, I keep encountering errors when entering the following commands. I'm earnestly seeking help from someone kind. Thank you.

rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyz
_decimation:=4 type is rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyz [ERROR] [1701852626.770658304]: Failed to load nodelet [/rtabmap_ros_point_cloud_xyz] of type [rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyz] even after refreshing the cache: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyz with base class type nodelet::Nodelet does not exist. Declared types are RobotLocalization/EkfNodelet RobotLocalization/NavSatTransformNodelet RobotLocalization/UkfNodelet SlamGMappingNodelet apriltag_ros/ContinuousDetector imu_complementary_filter/ComplementaryFilterNodelet imu_filter_madgwick/ImuFilterNodelet pcl/BAGReader pcl/BoundaryEstimation pcl/ConvexHull2D pcl/CropBox pcl/EuclideanClusterExtraction pcl/ExtractIndices pcl/ExtractPolygonalPrismData pcl/FPFHEstimation pcl/FPFHEstimationOMP pcl/MomentInvariantsEstimation pcl/MovingLeastSquares pcl/NodeletDEMUX pcl/NodeletMUX pcl/NormalEstimation pcl/NormalEstimationOMP pcl/NormalEstimationTBB pcl/PCDReader pcl/PCDWriter pcl/PFHEstimation pcl/PassThrough pcl/PointCloudConcatenateDataSynchronizer pcl/PointCloudConcatenateFieldsSynchronizer pcl/PrincipalCurvaturesEstimation pcl/ProjectInliers pcl/RadiusOutlierRemoval pcl/SACSegmentation pcl/SACSegmentationFromNormals pcl/SHOTEstimation pcl/SHOTEstimationOMP pcl/SegmentDifferences pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval pcl/VFHEstimation pcl/VoxelGrid realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory rtabmap_legacy/data_odom_sync rtabmap_legacy/data_throttle rtabmap_legacy/obstacles_detection_old rtabmap_legacy/stereo_throttle rtabmap_legacy/undistort_depth rtabmap_odom/icp_odometry rtabmap_odom/rgbd_odometry rtabmap_odom/rgbdicp_odometry rtabmap_odom/stereo_odometry rtabmap_slam/rtabmap rtabmap_sync/rgb_sync rtabmap_sync/rgbd_sync rtabmap_sync/rgbdx_sync rtabmap_sync/rtabmap rtabmap_sync/stereo_sync rtabmap_util/disparity_to_depth rtabmap_util/imu_to_tf rtabmap_util/lidar_deskewing rtabmap_util/obstacles_detection rtabmap_util/point_cloud_aggregator rtabmap_util/point_cloud_assembler rtabmap_util/point_cloud_xyz rtabmap_util/point_cloud_xyzrgb rtabmap_util/pointcloud_to_depthimage rtabmap_util/rgb_sync rtabmap_util/rgbd_relay rtabmap_util/rgbd_split rtabmap_util/stereo_sync

Thank you.

win895564 avatar Dec 06 '23 13:12 win895564

rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone rtabmap_ros/point_cloud_xyz 

doesn't exist anymore. It is now:

rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone rtabmap_util/point_cloud_xyz 

See migration guide in case you have other similar errors.

matlabbe avatar Dec 10 '23 03:12 matlabbe

Original issue resolved, thank you! But now when I try to run RTAB-Map ROS, I encounter a new problem that prevents RTAB-Map ROS from functioning properly and there's no display. My launch command includes parameters like --Icp/VoxelSize 0.05, --Icp/PointToPlaneRadius 0, etc. However, I keep receiving warnings about topics like /scan and /cloud not receiving data for 5 seconds. I saw a solution in this ROS Answers post suggesting to change approx_sync to true. Even after following this advice, the problem persists. Please help!

roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch
--Icp/VoxelSize 0.05
--Icp/PointToPlaneRadius 0
--Icp/PointToPlaneK 20
--Icp/CorrespondenceRatio 0.2
--Icp/PMOutlierRatio 0.65
--Icp/Epsilon 0.005
--Icp/PointToPlaneMinComplexity 0
--Odom/ScanKeyFrameThr 0.7
--OdomF2M/ScanMaxSize 15000
--Optimizer/GravitySigma 0.3
--RGBD/ProximityPathMaxNeighbors 1
--Reg/Strategy 1"

[ WARN] [1702233598.826564204]: /rtabmap/icp_odometry: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. /rtabmap/icp_odometry subscribed to /scan and /cloud (make sure only one of this topic is published, otherwise remap one to a dummy topic name). [ WARN] [1702233599.225060963]: /rtabmap/rtabmap: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). Parameter "approx_sync" is false, which means that input topics should have all the exact timestamp for the callback to be called. /rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to (exact sync): /rtabmap/odom /camera/color/image_raw /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw /camera/color/camera_info /cloud /rtabmap/odom_info [ WARN] [1702233599.834856268]: /rtabmap/rtabmap_viz: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input topics are published ("$ rostopic hz my_topic") and the timestamps in their header are set. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). Parameter "approx_sync" is false, which means that input topics should have all the exact timestamp for the callback to be called. /rtabmap/rtabmap_viz subscribed to (exact sync): /rtabmap/odom /camera/color/image_raw /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw /camera/color/camera_info /rtabmap/odom_filtered_input_scan /rtabmap/odom_info

win895564 avatar Dec 11 '23 00:12 win895564

Is /cloud published?

rostopic hz  /cloud 

matlabbe avatar Dec 16 '23 01:12 matlabbe