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Calibration of t265
Hi , I'm probably here to seek some help for using the calibration tool for t265.
I could not run the calibration tool with realsense camera. I dont find a explicit driver for the "rtabmap-calibration" tool. And even if I try to calibrate with providing source. I get error messages in the terminal
[ERROR] (2021-05-06 11:42:27.799) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1453::captureImage() Missing frames (received 1, needed=2)
[ WARN] (2021-05-06 11:42:27.800) CameraThread.cpp:189::mainLoop() no more images...
These are the specifications that I have
OS : Ubuntu 18.04
Kernel : 5.4.0-72-generic
Camera : T265
librealsense version: 2.44.0
Thanks in advance.
If you need the calibration yaml files let me know...will be little different from yours
Hi, rtabmap-calibration tool didn't support realsense2, this has been added yesterday: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/commit/4390cb64284b7c029ca091693d2f83713ff22846
rtabmap-calibration --driver 11
I tested with my T265. It won't work for other realsense cameras.
If you need the calibration yaml files let me know...will be little different from yours
Yes this would be better.. I will take it as a reference
Hi, rtabmap-calibration tool didn't support realsense2, this has been added yesterday: 4390cb6
rtabmap-calibration --driver 11
I tested with my T265. It won't work for other realsense cameras.
Sure I will check this. Thanks @matlabbe
@matlabbe : I tried this, the tool is getting connected to fisheye streams but it reports that there is some missing frames.
[ INFO] Using driver 11
[ INFO] Using device 0
[ INFO] Stereo: true
[ INFO] setupDevice...
[ INFO] Device with serial number 908412110271 was found with product ID=2871.
[ INFO] Device Name: Intel RealSense T265
[ INFO] Device Serial No: 908412110271
[ INFO] Device FW version:
[ INFO] Device Product ID: 0x0B37
[ INFO] Device Sensors:
[ INFO] Tracking Module was found.
[ INFO] Sensor 0 "Tracking Module"
[ INFO] profiles=5
[ INFO] Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4
[ INFO] Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4
[ INFO] MOTION_XYZ32F 0 0 200 0 Gyro type=5
[ INFO] MOTION_XYZ32F 0 0 62 0 Accel type=6
[ INFO] 6DOF 0 0 200 0 Pose type=8
[ INFO] leftToIMU = xyz=0,010700,0,000000,-0,000000 rpy=0,003424,-0,007314,3,137116
[ INFO] imu local transform = xyz=-0,000000,-0,010700,-0,000000 rpy=1,574188,0,004477,1,563482
[ INFO] Starting sensor 0 with 5 profiles
[ INFO] Opening: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4
[ INFO] Opening: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4
[ INFO] Opening: MOTION_XYZ32F 0 0 200 0 Gyro type=5
[ INFO] Opening: MOTION_XYZ32F 0 0 62 0 Accel type=6
[ INFO] Opening: 6DOF 0 0 200 0 Pose type=8
[ INFO] Enabling streams...done!
[ERROR] Missing frames in capture image (received 1, needed=2)
[ WARN] no more images...
I see this error being reported from corelib/src/ CameraRealSense2.cpp where the syncer_.wait_for_frames(100)
is not able to get the 2 frames.
But I'm able to receive two streams when I connect realsense2_camera and launch the rs_t265.launch file. Can you please help on this?
I got this yaml from Rtabmap standalone :
For t265 : Left camera :
camera_name: t265_left
image_width: 848
image_height: 800
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [ 2.8727184647822833e+02, 0., 4.2168020613614948e+02, 0.,
2.8673497080036134e+02, 4.0840727335335356e+02, 0., 0., 1. ]
rows: 1
cols: 4
data: [ -4.2255265071390342e-04, 2.3531973133527690e-02,
-1.4654243614093544e-02, -4.3611467599366316e-03 ]
distortion_model: equidistant
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [ 9.9999504305576770e-01, -2.8619178553628338e-03,
1.3127414378555557e-03, 2.8618846361930942e-03,
9.9999590443032127e-01, 2.7182952606179453e-05,
-1.3128138568089518e-03, -2.3425903309501875e-05,
9.9999913798513074e-01 ]
rows: 3
cols: 4
data: [ 2.8727184647822833e+02, 0., 2.8237225341796875e+02, 0., 0.,
2.8727184647822833e+02, 4.3397737121582031e+02, 0., 0., 0., 1.,
0. ]
Right Camera :
camera_name: t265_right
image_width: 848
image_height: 800
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [ 2.8601176673060849e+02, 0., 4.2690380827722919e+02, 0.,
2.8532768388032918e+02, 4.0803558177499212e+02, 0., 0., 1. ]
rows: 1
cols: 4
data: [ -4.7362977705872498e-03, 4.8894650703196173e-02,
-5.6998538782791201e-02, 1.9026345800852582e-02 ]
distortion_model: equidistant
rows: 3
cols: 3
data: [ 9.9995006920047491e-01, -1.7551567526819791e-03,
9.8376079785193228e-03, 1.7555323140681356e-03,
9.9999845861562731e-01, -2.9540882900355133e-05,
-9.8375409661040168e-03, 4.6809646599883010e-05,
9.9995160912746039e-01 ]
rows: 3
cols: 4
data: [ 2.8727184647822833e+02, 0., 2.8237225341796875e+02,
-1.6693138104046195e+01, 0., 2.8727184647822833e+02,
4.3397737121582031e+02, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0. ]
@sumitsarkar1 @matlabbe : This is cool . But I dont know why Im getting a problem with rtabmap standalone tool while calibrating.
As you can see the error message in the rtabmap console.
@sumitsarkar1 @matlabbe Update The calibration tool works with librealsense v2.40 but it doesnt work with librealsense v2.44.
Exactly...I tried with old versions of Rtabmap (like 2020 Dec, when I was able to calibrate t265 with RTabmap) but was of no luck ..even with latest commit 4390cb6. Then I realised it must be librealsense ! rtabmap-calibration --driver 11
gives [ERROR] Missing frames (received 1, needed=2)
I reproduced the error with realsense v2.44 and v2.45 (was working with 2.42 before I upgraded). The rs2::syncer seems not working anymore with fisheye streams, don't know why. I tested 2 setups with T265 and D435i in IR stereo mode. I changed this: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/blob/4390cb64284b7c029ca091693d2f83713ff22846/corelib/src/camera/CameraRealSense2.cpp#L192-L196 to this:
void CameraRealSense2::frame_callback(rs2::frame frame)
auto video_profile = frame.get_profile().as<rs2::video_stream_profile>();
UWARN("Sync: %s %d %d %d %d %s type=%d %f", rs2_format_to_string(
I added also ERROR logs after the synchronization wait to see which frames are in the frameset.
T265 log (frameset=1, failing, note also that is random which fisheye 1 or 2 is in the final frameset):
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.199) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234176.003662
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.231) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234209.336914
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.233) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234209.336914
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.264) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234242.670410
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.265) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234242.670410
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.297) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234276.003906
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.299) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234276.003906
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.330) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234309.337158
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.332) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234309.337158
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.364) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234342.525879
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.365) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 2 Fisheye 2 type=4 1621002234342.525879
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.397) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234375.859131
[ERROR] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.398) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1476::captureImage() Missing frames (received 1, needed=2)
[ERROR] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.398) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1480::captureImage() stream type=4
[ERROR] (2021-05-14 10:23:54.398) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1482::captureImage() Received: Y8 848 800 30 1 Fisheye 1 type=4 1621002234375.859131
D435i (frameset=2, working):
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.313) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 1280 720 30 2 Infrared 2 type=3 1621002168302.552979
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.345) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 1280 720 30 1 Infrared 1 type=3 1621002168336.126465
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.345) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 1280 720 30 2 Infrared 2 type=3 1621002168336.126465
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.379) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 1280 720 30 1 Infrared 1 type=3 1621002168369.684082
[ WARN] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.380) CameraRealSense2.cpp:195::frame_callback() Sync: Y8 1280 720 30 2 Infrared 2 type=3 1621002168369.684082
[ERROR] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.383) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1231::captureImage() Received: Y8 1280 720 30 2 Infrared 2 type=3 1621002168369.684082
[ERROR] (2021-05-14 10:22:48.384) CameraRealSense2.cpp:1231::captureImage() Received: Y8 1280 720 30 1 Infrared 1 type=3 1621002168369.684082
I'll continue looking...
I tested on Windows by switching easily realsense2.dll
from v2.44 and decreasing until v2.42 worked. They changed something inside realsense library between 2.42 and 2.43 that has broken rs2::syncer and T265 fisheye streams compatibility.
Current compatibility for T265:
- v2.45 failing
- v2.44 failing
- v2.43 failing
- v2.42 success
- v2.40 success
A fix can be found here for the synchronization problem with T265: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/issues/9030#issuecomment-962223017