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Can i plot the data from the JSON?
So I saved the ssl and sst in a JSON, but your documentation doesnt state, what the datapoints are. Could you maybe give some more Info on how to effectivly plot the data and maybe also how you can plot it like in odas_web. Thanks for the help!
Ok, so the localization return potential sources, with their respective x,y,z coordinates, and the associated energy level E. These sources are not necessary real sources, as the filtering operation in the tracking block is required to avoid false alarms and smooth the trajectories over space and time. The tracked sources return x,y,z coordinates, with a unique ID for each source to keep track of a given source over time, and also a activity level which stands for the probability the tracked source is currently active in this frame (i.e. for instance, in speech you'll make small silence over time between words, so the activity should go to 0 during these intervals)
Does this help?